{Chapter 5} Mother...

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I walked home after our first performance and a bouquet of white rose from Phillip. I wonder if we will ever have an official relationship.

I opened the door and immediately heard my mothers voice. 'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!' oh no, this will end badly. 'No where mother!' 'y/n, ITS MIDNIGHT! WHERE WERE YOU AND WHO ARE THOSE FLOWERS FROM?' 'I have a job mother, thats where i was...' 'Thats amazing! Where do you work?' 'The museum.' I said nervously, waiting for her to shout at me. 'THE MUSEUM! YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THIS FAMILY!' 'ITS JUST A JOB! AT LEAST I'M GETTING PAID!' I was really mad as my mother was judging other people because they have different talents! 'AND WHO GAVE YOU THOSE FLOWERS?' 'NO ONE YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT!' I really cant be bothered to put up with my mothers snobby business!

I ran upstairs to my room and placed the bouquet on my desk. I can't wait to see Phillip tomorrow. He is one of the only things that  brings me joy in this life anymore. The museum aswell, I can't wait for tomorrows show, its going to be even better!

I brushed my hair, tied it up into a ponytail and removed my makeup, brushed my teeth and put on pajamas. My mother always makes me so frustrated! As soon asI have enough money, I'm going to but my own apartment and move out!

I locked my bedroom door and got into bed and cried myself to sleep...again.

-Sorry Guys! I know its really short but tomorrow will be different, I just dididn't really have much time so, until tomorrow guys! Bye my little Hearts!-

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