{Chapter 3} WHAT?!

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Its been a few days and so far nothing has really happened. After we went back inside I had to leave so I haven't seen Phillip yet. He asked me to meet him today around noon so that's where i'm about to go. I am bit nervous seeing as the last time I saw him, we kissed. I hope he doesn't want to stop talking to me.

I put on my favourite light pink dress and my pink ballet flats, put on some lipstick and brushed my hair. I quickly walked down the stairs and stopped at the front door. 'Bye Mother!' I said so my mother wouldn't worry 'Where are you going y/n?' Oh no, she wants to know where i'm going... 'To see a friend!' 'Which Friend?' 'Oh you know...' I can't tell her she will be suspicious! 'Whats their name y/n?' i'll just tell her 'Im going to see Phillip!' 'Phillip Carlyle?' 'Yes Mother.' 'Oh okay have fun! Don't be back late though!' 'I won't!' I said as I walked outside and shut the front door. That went better than expected!

He told me meet him around the stairs but I can't see him... oh there he is! I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder as he had his back turned.  He turned around to look at me and his eyes light up and he smiled. He pulled me into a hug. 'Good Afternoon!' I said as we hand't spoken yet. 

We continued talking while we walked around for a bit until we saw a poster on the wall which read: Wanted! Unique Persons and Curiosities. Male or Female. Young or Old. Daring acts, wonders of the world! Barnum's American Museum.

'You should go y/n!' Said Phillip excitedly. 'WHAT?!' I can't do that!' I said flustered 'Sure you can! I've seen you on the silks, your amazing! Plus, its a job.' He was starting to convince me. 'Yeah but my parents would KILL ME! And, I would then become an embarrassment to them!' I said even though I wanted to try now. 'So what? Just do it!' 'Okay... Fine! When is it?' I said excited 'Tomorrow' 'Okay...' 'YAY!' he said as he picked me up and spun me around. 'PHILLIP! PUT ME DOWN!' I said while giggling. 'Sorry.' he said while laughing.

-Hey guys! I know its short but I had a bit of writers block as I didn't know how to transition it to the circus sooooo there you go!' Bye my little hearts!-

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