C5: "She was mine"

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" cause I wanted to hang out with her later when she's not busy." I'll tell her for you jake. I respect her friendship with jake because they're best friends and she always goes to him for advice, I'm not mad about it because it's not like there going behind my back and kissing and making out. Paige and jake have been great friends since eighth grade! I've known her since junior year but it feels like I've known her forever.

.... I think Paige is just waking up
*hears something falls off the bed*
I run upstairs to see what the noise was and I see Paige and her brothers just laughing! Surprising I didn't think it was funny.

"Oh Paige, jake called me to tell you call him later cause he wants to hang"

"Why didn't he call me"

"Your phone was off, you didn't charge it last night"

"Oh yeah, good one"

We all laugh at dumbness in the mornings.


Thinking to myself I really should go sleep early and charge my phone. I wonder what jake wants because he haven't hung out in a while. Maybe we can go to the beach, I haven't been their in a while. The last time I've been there was for meet up with kamfam for Kalin and Myles. Not to mention since jakes my best friend, he's teaching me how to dj because I'm pretty supportive when it comes to my boys. Even though, Myles and I had our own separate problems I loved Kalin and Myles no matter what. I supported Kalin and Myles's singing career & Jake's djing. I supported Cam's filming & photography career. No matter what my boys did, I was always gonna support them even if they treated me like crap because we always forgave each other. . .

I need to call jake A S AP

*facetime jake*

"Hey Jake, it's Paige."

"Cam told me you called. Sorry I didn't answer my phone was dead."

"Oh it's fine, don't stress about it. I was just thinking we should hang out and catch up on stuff. I miss you"

"I miss you too jake, I know you've been busy with djing and school. So I never bothered you."

"Paige you can always bother me. I'm your best friend"

We both laugh

"Jake, how's your brother?"

It kinda got quiet but I didn't care

"He's fine, he always brings you up"

"Brings me up?"

"Yeah, about how he misses you and stuff but I just ignore it"

"Oh that's interesting, I never thought he could miss someone"

"Yep Myles misses you"

"Oh yeah back to our plans, let's go to the beach"

"Yeah I'm down, I'll text you the info. I have to go Jocelyn is here"

"Bye jake, I love you"

"I love you too Paige"

*called ended*

I put my phone down and get ready to a shower until someone calls me

(Caller ID: Kalin White)

"P A I G E"

"Hey Kalin I haven't talked to you in forever since you're always busy now a days"

I haven't talked to Kalin in forever, he's a really good friend of mine. We've been friends longer then jake. He's the reason why I met Myles because he let me listen to their music and then Myles introduced me his brother and ever since then jake & I have been best friends. I can't thank Kalin enough. He's honestly like my older brother. I'm pretty close to Jake and Kalin. I haven't talked to Tyler in a while since he went on a trip to New York for school.

"Yeah I know I'm trying to make up for that I'm sorry"

"It's fine Kalin, I'm just messing. What have you been up too"

"Nothing much just some photoshoots and making new music with Myles"

It was really awkward talking about Myles with Kalin cause he was literary his other half.

"Aye that's good to here, I can't wait to hear the music from my favorite boys. And see the new pictures, any shirtless ones"

We both laughed


There was so much tense in this silence.

"Myles talks about you a lot & he always mentions you in the studio, like "would Paige like this if she heard it" I think he's writing a song about you. I mean his rap reminds me so much of you"

"Oh well I can't wait to hear it"

What do I say to that? Can I even say anything without cam getting butt hurt?

"Same I think you're gonna like it"

"Kalin do you think Myles messed up when were together and he's gonna try to win me over with new music"

"Who knows, we're talking about Myles Parrish. But to answer the first question, he screwed up terrible and I don't think he can fix it or even get a second chance"

I cough.

"But Paige, Myles can do anything at any moment so just be care please. I love you and if you need anything in here for you!! Myles is a wild one..."

"A wild ybm"

Me and Kalin laugh at my joke about Myles

"Paige, I gotta go. Myles just got back in the studio but maybe we can FaceTime later"

"Yeah of course, just call me. Have fun in the Studio"

*i end the call before I say more & Myles ends up on the phone*

I check my twitter to see my mentions blowing up. I forget Kalin and Myles are big, they're just normal guys living their dreams to me.

"@KalinWhite: nice talking to my old friend @paigeeloveyy !!! I missed her so much"

I check my tl to see, "why hasn't Myles tweeted anything about Paige"
I guess I'm pretty known in kamfam but i made sure I kept my personal life personal. But I refreshed my tl to see

"@YourBoyMyles: I miss her so much. I miss her voice. Our small talks :( idk what to do"

And my mentions blow up with

"I think Myles is Indirecting you @paigeeloveyy"

"Myles misses @paigeeloveyy"

"I ship @YourBoyMyles &

I knew Myles saw this and Cam too... Well Myles did mention that we dated one time in their ustreams because a fan asked & he gave my username and my mentions have never stopped blowing up after that. I love Myles but only as a friend. I wonder what cam is thinking because he always has to say something because he over protective. So in my little thought I look up cam's twitter " camfairfax "

" @camfairfax: she was mine and that's all I have to worry about. "

*my indirects*

"Do you ship Pameron or Maige "

"I really like Paige & cam together"

"I never saw Paige & Myles date but OTP"

I forgot to mention I follow a lot of Kamfam, I always like talking to them but when it gets personal I have to stop. I really hope the boys don't take these indirects to heart.

Me or those indirects ?. . .

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