A Helping Hand

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Boruto and Sarada went to look for kiba in the leaf village.They found him with akamaru he was laying down while kiba was stroking his akamaru head.

Boruto and Sarada shout his name unsuspected surprised see them.

Kiba:Hey Boruto and Sarada .

Boruto:We need your help ?

Kiba:Sure what you need help with?

Sarada:It Mitsuki he left the village again.

He sigh and look at them.

Kiba:Again why does it keep on happening.

Boruto:We need akamaru to track down Mitsuki.

Kiba:I'm sorry but akamaru is getting old he can't even get up with his legs.

Sarada:What about you kiba can you track his scent.

Kiba:I wish I can help both of you I can't do this with akamaru he my only partner and friend.

Boruto:Gosh this difficult than I thought .

Sarada:There got be some way.

Then suddenly she got a idea.

Sarada:I got it!

Boruto:What is it?

Sarada:Sumire can summon the beast on her hand to track Mitsuki scent.

Boruto: Oh Nue  that be a good idea we just to find sumire.

Kiba:I actually saw her not that long ago she went to get dango dumping with a friend.

Boruto:Thanks for the help kiba .

Kiba:Glad to help.

They say goodbye to kiba and went to look for sumire.Lucky she was with ChouChou talking and eating there snacks.


She saw Boruto and Sarada running fast as they could.

Sumire:Hey Boruto and Sarada.

Sarada:Sumire we need your help.

ChouChou:Want a dango.

Sarada:I'm good Chocho.

Chocho :More for me.

She continues eating.

Sumire:What do you need help with?

Sarada:It Mitsuki he left the village again.

Boruto:I was about to say that.

Sumire :Again what happened?

Sarada:While we left the graves three brat kids threw eggs at Mitsuki they told him he doesn't belong here that he was monster he got upset and I went to his house and he told me do you think I'm a monster.I said no he not and he got mad start throwing pictures frames and I stop him and I try calling him down that what I did.The next morning I found this letter.

Sumire took the letter and read Mitsuki letter.

Boruto:Then he out nowhere he attack the stranger and he suddenly he died.


Sumire:I knew he was crazy didn't expect to kill someone.

Chocho:What are you going to do now?

Sumire bit her finger and and summon nue.

Sarada:That Nue.

Boruto:Yeah he cool.

Nue notice Boruto and walk to him and he lick his face .

Boruto:Okay nue we need your help.

Sarada let nue smell the light blue hair of Mitsuki he took a sniff he start to run after the scent.

Sumire:After nue hurry!

Chocho:Wait for me I want to come too!!

She said while running eating dango.

Thank you for being patient the next chapter will be on next Friday.Thx for reading see you soon and stay safe❤️🥰

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