I ~ Can I at least have a name?

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{ Hunter in sidebar }


'Up you get Hunter, you'll be going to court today.' A deep, masculine voice spoke, pulling me out of my sleep. I fluttered my eyes open to be greeted with a nervous Godfrey. His arms were crossed over his chest and the lack of sleep was evident on his face. His eyes were red and his mouth was twitching out of worry. I pulled myself up and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked up to Godfrey and asked, 'What's the worst case scenario?' My voice came out hoarse and croaky. Godfrey ran his fingers through his hair and stated 'At the most two years, the least amount of jail time would be six months.' I rested my hands on my head when Godfrey suddenly called, 'The least case scenario would be a ridiculous fine.' I looked up to him and gave him a tight smile, just to make him feel better. His shoulders relaxed and his muscles were no longer tensed. 'When am I leaving?' I queried. Godfrey scratched his face and responded 'Right now.'

'Hunter Blake you have been accused for being found smoking illegal drugs in a kinder garden, do you object to this?' The judge finally looked up at me, his cold icy blue eyes burned through my emerald green ones. After what seemed like an eternity I responded with 'No, I did do that.' The judge shook his head and scrunched his lips together, almost as if he were thinking really hard. 'And this is not your first offense is it?' I turned my head to the floor and stared at it. The judge waited impatiently until I finally said, 'No it's not.' The judge looked at some papers (my files?) and finally stated, 'What are you going to do?' I lifted my head to look up at the judge; his face was dead serious. Suddenly I began rambling on, 'I could do community service, 100 hours; no I can do even more than that. And I can pay a really big fine, it's not like I haven't got money or anything. Just don't send me to jail, please!' The judge's face was in utter shock. He obviously didn't expect that to come out of my mouth. My cool, bad boy persona completely changed to a desperate young boy who didn't want to go to jail. It was true; I didn't want to go to jail. Who the fuck wants to end up in a shithole like that? The judge was having trouble articulating his words until finally he declared, '250 hours worth of community service and a charitable donation of $50,000 that will be given to the kinder garden,' the judge looked to me, 'Understand?' I nodded, not trusting my mouth. I probably would have said some smart-ass comment because I had gotten off the hook, again! Godfrey grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the courtroom, a big grin plastered on my face.

I sat in the passenger seat of the vehicle, while Godfrey drove. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling, but I didn't care! I wasn't going to jail! I turned to face Godfrey and saw he was still grinning too. Life at the moment was fantastic; nothing could ruin my ecstatic mood. The tune marimba pulled me out of my daze. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and placed it on my ear. 'Hello,' I spoke into the phone.

'HUNTER BLAKE! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!' I pulled the phone away from my ear to see the contact read "Management". 'Hey Drake, listen it's not as bad as you think.' I alleged.

'Not as bad as you think, Jesus Christ,' he mumbled. 'YOU SMOKED A JOINT IN A KINDER GARDEN!' Once again I pulled the phone away from my ear. 'I fixed it Drake; I'm not going to jail. Why does it matter?'

'Because it's fuckin' everywhere Hunter, that's why it fuckin' matters.'

'What do you mean it's everywhere?'

'Someone got photos and published it all over the Internet.'

'Bitch,' I muttered.

'Listen just come over to my office when you've got a chance, I think I know how we can fix this problem.'

I hung up the phone and faced Godfrey. His face was a combination of confusion and uncertainty. He was biting his bottom lip and with his spare hand he was scratching his cheek. I told Godfrey the story in a short summary and he drove in the direction of my management.

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