VII ~ Infamous

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{ Christian in Sidebar. Thanks guys for reading and make sure to vote !! }


I sat in the driver's seat of my Range Rover, Sasha sat in the passengers and the two boys sat behind. They couldn't take her eyes off of her, but then again neither could I. She looked really hot tonight. It was like she was a complete other person. The four of us sat in an awkward silence, Sasha was the one to break it.

'So what do you guys do for a living ?' Sasha asked, turning her head to my best friends. The two boys sat there in complete silence, unable to voice their thoughts. However, Christian was the one to break out of her trance.

'I am a drummer, I play all of Hunters songs,' he exaggerated. I rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut as Christian shamelessly tried to flirt with Sasha. In spite of his horrible seducing, Sasha didn't seem to catch on. Maybe, she had never had anyone flirt with her or she was just incredibly naïve.

'What about you Keith, what do you do ?' Sasha inquired out of politeness.

'I'm a boxer, and if I say so myself I'm pretty good at it.' Sasha gasped and began to interview Keith on what it is like to fight and how many fights he has lost. Christian rolled his eyes and huffed while crossing his arms over his chest. It was obvious that he was upset that Keith was getting all of the attention. I laughed at him. Sasha turned to me, 'What are you laughing at ?' I shook my head and she cocked her eye brow but shrugged off my laughing anyway. She continued to converse with the boys the whole ride to the club.

'We're here boys and girl.' I stated. I watched as Sasha looked out of her window and grinned. I smiled back at her and turned back to see the boys getting out of the car. Sasha saw as well and opened the door to the car to leave. I got out with her and helped her out the car.

'You have to be careful tonight, some people do some weird things when they're drunk or high.' I rotated to see Sasha gazing at me intently. I continued, 'Never put your drink down because someone may put something in it that may knock you out, and some...bad things may happen. If some guy forces you to dance or do something with him, kick him straight in the balls, don't even hesitate and - I stopped to hear Sasha giggling with a smirk plastered on her face.

'What ?' I asked innocently.

'You're so cute when you're protective but don't worry I've got this.'

'How do you got "this" ?' I questioned.

'I watch movies and if anyone touches me inappropriately I'll do SING.'

'What the fuck is SING ?'

'Solar plex meaning guts, instep meaning foot, nose and groin.' She stated happily.

'Where did you get that from ?'

'Miss Congeniality. Now come on !'


Hunter walked to the front of the queue with Keith, Christian and I following behind. I felt kind of guilty pushing in front of everyone else who was waiting patiently but I just ignored the pit in my stomach and kept walking. Hunter talked to the body guard for literally 30 seconds and we were then walking into the club.

'How did he do that ?' I asked the two boys standing beside me. They looked at me and then at each other and burst into uncontrollable laughter. I stood there confused and wondering what was so funny. Christian managed to hold his laughter and share the amusement with me.

'Hunter is a worldwide know singer. He can get into anywhere.' I turned back to Hunter to see him indicating for us to follow. We did. We ended up at the bar, the boys all ordered something but I had no idea what to get. The bartender looked at me for my order.

'She'll have a long island ice tea,' I turned to see Hunter smiling. I thanked him for ordering my drink and had a sip, it tasted amazing.

'Hunter ! OMG ! It that you, where have you been, you haven't returned any of my calls. I was getting so worried.' An annoying voice squealed. I turned to my left to see a petite girl with long strawberry blonde hair making her way over here. She wore a short silver dress that left little to the imagination with a face caked full of makeup. She enclosed Hunter in a hug and gave him a sloppy kiss on the lips. I looked away.

'Kaley, I want you to meet my friend, Sasha.' Hunter introduced me.

'Oh. So this is the infamous Sasha.' I was taken back, is this bitch serious ? She Had the audacity to make fun of me.

'Yes that would be me.' I stated, smiling. She rolled her eyes and gave her full attention to Hunter. They said some things in whisper and they then made their way to the dance floor. I noticed all the dancers on the dance floor were either grinding against each other or pashing each other, hard.

'Do you want to dance ?' I turned to see Christian holding his hand out.

'Not like that. They may as well just go get a room and fuck.' Christian laughed and tugged at my hand to get me to dance. I gave in and stepped onto the dance floor with him. I swayed my hips slowly and chuckled as Christian did some horrible dance moves. I decided to do the same, we did the robot, we crumped and he even did the worm. It was such a memorable night. I was enjoying myself so much I even almost forgot about Hunter and whatever her name is... Almost.

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