VIII ~ It's a Date

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{ Drake in Sidebar. Hii Guys !! Sorry I haven't been posting lately but I will be making sure to update more often !! Don't forget to vote and comment !!

- E }


I woke up, not aware of my surroundings and with a blackout in my memory. I shifted underneath the blanket swathing me and felt softness move beneath me. It became apparent that I was in a bed. I rotated my head to see Kaley sprawled out on the bed; her sweaty hair pulled into a high bun and the cover the only thing hiding her naked body. I placed my elbows beside me and pushed myself up. I reached halfway when a loud pounding hammered through my head. I had one hell of a hangover. I pulled my legs to my chest and forced my head between my knees. The headache wouldn’t subside. I heaved myself out of bed and began getting dressed. I pulled my skinny jeans up my legs one at a time, slowly and painfully. I threw on my shirt and made my way out. I closed the door quietly to avoid a screaming match with Kaley and exited her apartment complex. I looked around for my car but it wasn’t visible anywhere. Looks like I will have to hitch a ride from one of the boys. I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket and checked the time, 9.47. I dialed Christian, no answer. Called Keith, no answer either. Shit. I scrolled through my contacts, scanning for anyone who would consider taking me home. As I kept searching I noticed form the corner of my eye people staring attentively at me. I fixed my gaze and saw that they were teenage girls. Fans. They slowly made their way over to me and a girl with caramel skin and thick black hair had the courage to ask, ‘Could we have a photo ?’ I obliged since I realized I wasn’t getting home anytime soon. I smiled with all four girls and said goodbye to them. I considered going back up to Kaley’s apartment and getting her to take me home. Wrapped in my own thoughts I didn’t realize the flash of lights that appeared. I swiveled around to see paparazzi everywhere. I made my decision, Kaley could take me home. As I stalked back to the building, questions were thrown at me and rumors yelled. I ignored it all and walked to Kaley’s door. I pounded my fist on the hard, wooden door. There was no response. I went to repeat my action when the door swung open. Kaley stood their unimpressed and pulled me into the room. I looked at her and she burst, ‘WHAT THE FUCK ?!’ I stood there in awe, why was she so upset ?

‘What’s wrong ?!’

‘Why did you just leave ?!’ She retorted, her face growing red. My impatience with her was growing by the second.

‘We always do this, we fuck and leave. What is different ? You do it more often than me !’ She was at a loss for words, because I was fuckin’ right. This was our routine. We’ve been doing this forever, why of a sudden was she acting so weird ? ‘Well ?’ I asked again.

‘Nothing…I’ll take you home..’









‘Hunter’s friends are so sweet and friendly, they welcomed me with open arms. I personally liked Christian but I probably think that because I was hanging out with him the whole night. They played such catchy music too, it felt like I could dance all night. I didn’t get drunk but I had a drink and it was amazing !! It was called an ice tea or something – OHH and back to the dancing, most of it was just grinding and humping one another. I didn’t do that; I did like the running man and all that other shitty, cool dance moves. Overall, I would say it was a magnificent night and I would most certainly do it again.’ I rambled on to my brother and Mum. They nodded along as I spoke trying to keep up with my impossibly fast speaking. Once I finished my speech I took a gasp of air to make up for the breathing I didn’t do while talking. Andy laughed at the sight of me and Mum just rolled her eyes, shaking her head while grinning.

‘So you enjoyed it I presumed ?’ Andy inquired. I nodded my head and laughed. I truly did enjoy that experience that night will always stay with me. It was very memorable as it was like a milestone to me. Mum opened her mouth to speak something when there was a knock at the door.

‘Come in !’ I voiced loudly. A black quiff with sparkling blue eyes came into view. It was Christian. I smiled at the sight of him and looked to my family to see them staring at me. ‘Mum, Andy, this is Christian. Christian, this is my Mother, Denise and my brother, Andy.’ Christian shook my brothers and Mum’s hand while introducing himself.

‘What are you doing here ?’ I questioned him, surprised and delighted by his visit.

‘I just wanted to make sure you were okay after last night and maybe if you wanted to we could hang out again ?’ he replied, nervousness radiating off him.

‘I’m getting some tests done but I’m sure that will be okay.’ I replied, easing his nerves. He nodded.

‘It’s a date.’

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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