Stay together

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Pov Dipper

My eyes were wide open as we walked through the woods with our thin jackets. The weather isn't getting better either, it's becoming cold. The wind is picking up slowly, over time it'll be fall then winter soon. I don't know where we are but were somewhere.

What can I do to protect them? That's all I could think about. How can I protect them from this mess? Can I even protect them?

The woods were thick so its rare chance of them finding us, I just hope it's enough. The trees are slowly wasting away over the seasons. I don't want them to take them away from me, they already took enough from me. I don't want them to be next.

Why did this world change so fast?

First treated as equal human beings and now treated like monsters. We never asked to be treated like caged animals. We never wanted this, but once you're different they treat you different. It's always been like that. Always.

We can't trust anyone anymore, it's only us now. Only us to protect each other from those people. I can't live with myself by the people I love get hurt, but it's too late. I let down so many people. Why did I leave them? 

 I just wish you were here with me. I wish you were here to make me feel better, I wish you were here to make sure that I wasn't going insane from all of this.  Even just for a second. 

That would be heaven that would slowly turn into hells fire because that feeling would be gone. I'm just confused about what going to happen. I held my tags tight as I looked down at my other hand. I felt her small pale hand hold mine as she walked slowly.

"Daddy...." Star mumbles softly.
"Yes sweetie," I said.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"I don't know, but we'll find out soon okay," I said.
"Okay." She said.

Mabel looked at me and messed up Star's golden locks. She groaned softly as she waddled closer to me. Mabel started to walk faster and a wave of anxiety went through my body. I picked up Star and raced after her because she was moving quickly, Star can't keep up because she has short legs.

What is Mabel thinking?

"Mabel!" I shouted.
"Dipper just follow me," Mabel said.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I saw something," Mabel muttered.
"Mabel no!" I yelled.
"Why not?" Mabel asked.

I stopped and used my powers on her. I made a large wall and Star hugged me tight thinking I was going to hurt her, I would never. Mabel turned around and looked at me I hate when she runs off like that.

"You can't run off like that." I groaned.
"I saw something, maybe it could help us survive," Mabel replied.
"We have to stay together Mabel, we can't separate from each other because it's dangerous out here." I almost shouted.
"We can't always play it safe Dipper! We have to take some risk for once." Mabel yelled.
"We can't take risk anymore Mabel, we can't! This isn't the world that it used to be," I said.
"You worry too much Dipper, they're not going to get us," Mabel told me.
"Yes, they are Mabel! You don't understand how much they need people like us." I screamed.
"Maybe they don't need us and you're overreacting for no reason," Mabel said.
"I'm not overreacting Mabel! I'm trying to keep you safe because we don't know what's out here," I shouted.
"There's nothing but woods DIpper! We have nothing to fear out here," Mabel yelled.
"We do because we don't know what we see sometimes. What if that was something that the far, set out to find more people like us? What if it's a solider? We don't know what's going to knock on our door." I said.
"That's why we have to take risk Dipper, we're strong enough to take them on," Mabel said.
"No we weren't Mabel, they're making advance technology that we have no idea what's it used for," I said.
"We have powers, they have useless pieces of junk that we can easily break apart," Mabel said.
"Mabel that-" 
"Dipper just trust me that we have to take some risk in order to survive," Mabel shouted.
"We can't ju-" 
"I don't care about playing it safe anymore Dipper, I'm sorry but it's-"
"I'm not losing any more people because of these stupid-" I said as my eyes glowed.

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