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Third Person

The plan wasn't thought out threw in Bill's side. He didn't even come with one because he just wanted to make sure Dipper was safe. Bill was afraid. He was scared and worried that something might happen to him because he's been through a lot. Of course, he worried about everyone that was trapped in there, but his mine concern was him.

Mabel noticed how Bill wanted to get out and save her brother. She was confused about why he kept it a secret, but then she looked at Bill. She remembers him not sleeping and worrying about every single thing. He worried.

Star walked next to Bill as she looked around for a building. She was becoming worried because no one had a valid plan.

Andrew and Will were trying to come up with one with Evan and Ryan. Talking about how they're going to get out instead of in.

"I hope he's okay," Bill mumbled to himself.
"I know you're worried, but it's going to be okay," Star said, "He's strong."
"I-I know he is," Bill stuttered, "but even the strongest people need help."
"Yeah," Star said, "I bet daddy is trying his best to keep them safe."
"I know is he," Bill said.

That's what I'm worried about Bill thought. Star saw the worried looked in Bill's face. They walked deeper into the woods until they saw a building that looked completely different from there's.

"This place hasn't changed," Mabel said.
"It hasn't," Evan said.
"What are we going to do?" Ryan said.
"Ryan we talked about," Will said, "you weren't listening."
"I spaced out," Ryan said.
"We enter from the back," Andrew said.
"Why not the front?" Star said.
"Because guards might be there," Will said.
"But wouldn't guards be in the back as well?" Star asked.
"Yes, but the back has less security," Andrew said.
"No, it wouldn't," Star said, "It would have the same amount or even more than the front because it's a big building. Daddy told me almost everyone escaped from the back, but since they knew what they did wrong they fixed it."
"Um..." Evan said.
"Yeah," Star smiled.
"Good job Star," Bill mumbled.
"To the front then," Mabel said.
"If we see someone we'll knock them out and stuff them in a closet," Star said.
"Good job Star," Bill said.
"YAY!" She smiled.

Meanwhile, Zo was keeping watch to make sure that anyone wasn't going to come into the room that they were in. Everyone in the room was gathering anything flammable into a small corner of the room. They wanted to make sure that the fire was big enough to get the guards attention. 

Dipper was making sure that everyone was ready for their plan. Dipper was feeling any better, but he had to stay strong. One of the healers healed Dipper with his physical wounds like cuts. Lady Widow noticed that Dipper's gift was slowly showing on his skin. 

"Dipper are you sure you can pull through with this," Lady Widow asked.
"Y-Yeah," Dipper said, "We just need to be ready."
"What is your gift doing to you?" Lady WIdow asked.
"I'm fine," Dipper said, "Don't worry about it because it'll pass soon." 
"Dipper..." Widow said.
"I'm going to be okay because it's only side effects and it was nothing too big," Dipper said.
"Just don't push yourself too hard," Widow said.
"Don't worry," Dipper said, "I won't." 

Zo gave the signal that someone was coming and everyone quickly stopped what they were doing. Zo raced away from the door and went over to Dipper because he didn't know where to go. The door opened and it was Rosé was there with a few things in her hand. 

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