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Pov Lady Widow

Ever since that incident in the basement I haven't been quite sure about anything. Andrew told me what happened and told me every detail that happened when I pulled him aside. He refused to tell me at the time because he was worried about Will and so was I, but I wanted to know what actually happened. That same day Bill changed in a way, more worried than usual which worries me.

I know that he's his own person, but he's been acting weird in my case because he's always fucking disappears now. Bill told everyone that no one is allowed in the basement at all cost because it's too dangerous now. I feel like he's hiding something and I can just tell he is. I mean I trust him it's just he's been off and when I try to talk to him about his change he says I'm overreacting. I mean he's been asking me weird stuff too if I'm up to something that he should know about.

"Widow?" Andrew said.
"Yes?" I said.
"Are you okay? You've been stabbing that dirt for a few minutes," Andrew said.
"I'm just thinking," I said, "Deep thinking."
"Are you sure because when your deep thinking you're usually in your room," Andrew said.
"Well," I said, "I'm deep thinking now."
"You don't stab anything when you're thinking either," Andrew replied.
"I didn't realize I was doing it until you pointed out," I answered.
"Well it's getting concerning," Andrew stated, "Care to tell me what's wrong?"
"No," I said.
"Please?" Andrew said giving me puppy eyes.
"Fine...." I groaned.
"So what's bothering you?" Andrew asked me.
"Have you been noticing that Bill has been acting differently?" I asked him.
"A little, but you know his brother almost died so..." Andrew said.
"I know that Will almost died and I was worried too, but something seemed off when Dipper started to handle the situation," I answered.
"But he saved WIll," Andrew said, "So maybe he knew what he was doing, so what?"
"Doesn't that kind of concern you?" I asked.
"Not really," Andrew said.
"Do you think it's kind of weird how he's so nice?" I asked him, "I mean no one can be that nice, right? He's so different from the other kids with the dog tags that first came here. They weren't all nice when they came here it took them months and a year for them to get comfortable here."
"Maybe he's a different type of person," Andrew said.
"Andrew there's something up with them," I said, "Especially Dipper."
"There's nothing wrong with Mabel and Dipper," Andrew said, "Mabel is acting like Evan when she first came here. Happy one minute and then not even sure if I should trust them."
"Still don't you think it's odd that once they came bad stuff started to happen?" I asked him.
"It's probably just a coincidence," Andrew said.
"I don't think it's just a coincidence," I said.
"Widow you're just overthinking about this whole situation," Andrew said.
"I'm not overthinking about this whole thing!" I shouted.
"Calm down," Andrew said, "Maybe your visions are messing with you."
"The other thing," I said, "My visions aren't working anymore."
"Maybe you just need more practice," Andrew said.
"I don't need more practice," I said.
"Widow do you think that the only reason you're visions isn't working is because you're scared about the future of everyone you care about?" Andrew said.

That's the smartest thing he's ever said in his life...Damn

"No, I'm not scared," I said.
"Fear can blind you from the truth and make you see things that might screw up your head Widow," Andrew said, "Fear is the reason why people do stupid things."

Andrew got up and started to walk away which confused me.

"I'm not scared!" I shouted.
"Visions are only the possibilities of what might happen Widow!" Andrew yelled, "Only one out of the millions of possibilities can happen and it's up for you to sort out the mistakes and corrections."

I didn't know what to yell back. Is he wrong or right about this? Am I just scared and that's why I can't sort out the most likely possibilities? Shit Andrew! You're making me confused... I quickly left the area I was in and went outside to get some fresh air to think about everything that's happening.

"In and out," I said, "In and out."

I leaned against the chicken pin and looked at the chicks running around in circles. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to see Zo, Ryan, and Evan.

"What do you guys want?" I asked.
"Rude much?" Evan said.
"I'm sorry," I said, "What do you, ladies?"
"Both of us are guys!?!" Ryan and Zo yelled.
"I'm not in a jolly mood," I said.
"Are you in that time of the month?" Evan said.
"No..." I groaned, "What do you want anyway?"
"We wanted to check on you because we're worried about you," Evan said.
"I'm just taking a breather," I answered.
"Did something happen?" Ryan asked.
"Kind of," I said.
"Spill it," Zo said.
"My visions aren't working well," I said, "They've been off lately."
"I haven't noticed," Evan mumbled.
"Shut up," Zo said after punching Evan's shoulder.
"Owie," She groaned.
"We can see that," Ryan said.
"Andrew said that I'm scared and that's why they aren't working," I said, "Stupid right?"
"He's not wrong though?" Evan said, "Fear can make people do fucked up shit."
"I know it can, but can it really mess up with my gift?" I asked them.
"Sure it can," Zo said, "Trust me on that."
"He told me that visions are only the possibilities of what might happen and only one out of the millions of possibilities can happen and it's up for me to sort out the mistakes and corrections." I said, "I know he's right, but I think he's wrong at the same time."
"That's the smartest thing I've heard him say," Zo said.
"I know right?" I said.
"There's more," Ryan said.
"Don't get mad at me," I said, "I mean Ryan and Evan because I know one of you will try to beat me."
"No promises," Evan said.
"I'll try to hold her back," Zo said.
"Go on," Ryan said.
"Do you think things have been odd since they've come?" I said.
"No," They all said.
"I mean bad things have been happening since they've shown up," I said.
"Are you saying that they've caused these bad things?" Ryan said.
"I don't know? It's just ever since they showed up things are changing at a weird pace," I said.
"Well..." Zo said, "The kids aren't as scared anymore."
"They've brightened up the place more," Ryan said.
"I feel like this is about Dipper," Evan said.
"He's the sweetest person I've ever meant," Zo said.
"No one can be that sweet," I said.
"Star," They all said.
"She doesn't count," I said.
"She isn't as sweet when she wakes up from her nap," Evan said.
"She's not," Ryan said.
"He's way too nice," I said.
"That's the way he is," Evan said.
"I'll take your word on it because you've known him longer," Ryan said.
"Another question," I said.
"Yeah," They all said.
"Is Bill acting weird to you?" I said, "Or has changed in a way."
"He's been way too happy lately," Zo said.
"I know and it's scary," Evan said.
"No," I said, "I don't know he's been acting way more worried."
"Well, Will did almost die so..." Ryan said.
"I know," I said.
"Maybe you're overreacting," Zo said.
"That's what Andrew said," I said.
"You are," Evan and Ryan said.

They kept telling me that this was all in my head and that I shouldn't worried. Maybe it's all in my head.

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