I missed you

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Pov Dipper

I hugged myself as I looked in the mirror. I started to play with my sleeves as I waited in the room.

"I hope they're okay," I mumbled.
"I'm just so worried," I said.

I held my tags with one hand and looked at the name. The brushed my thumb across his name as I took a deep breath.

I stood up and went over to my bag. I wanted to see if anything was missing from my bag. I saw my journal and scanned through it to see if anything was written. Nothing new so far.

"I hope Stars okay," I mumbled, "She thinks this place is the evil building."

The door opened and I saw Bill with some clothes that looked a little too big for me.

"I'll wait outside," Bill said.
"Alright," I mumbled.

Bill handed me the clothes and then walked back outside. I felt this wave if uncomfortableness comes off him, I wonder why? I changed into the clothes that he handed me which was a black t-shirt and jeans that surprisingly fit me with a hoodie. The hoodie was a little too big, but whatever.

I saw my shoes in the corner of the room with socks rolled up. Why didn't I notice that earlier? I quickly put them on and organized the bed before leaving. I made sure that my tags showed because it didn't feel right when they were covered. I stepped out the door and saw Bill leaning against the wall.

"Are you going to take me to her?" I mumbled.
"Yeah," Bill said.
"Alright," I said.

I walked beside him and he starts to ask me things. I get this awkward vibe from him as he talked to me. I kept a straight face as he talked to me.

"How long have you've been out there?" Bill asked me.
"Three years," I said.
"O-Oh that must have been rough," Bill said.
"It was, but we've made it this far," I said holding on to my tags.

Bill placed his arm in front of me as I saw kids running cross us. A little boy stopped he looked about Star's age and smiled at me before racing off. I chuckled because this reminded so much of someone.

"Energetic," I smiled.

The smile faded as we walked down the hall. I heard her laughter and someone else's voice, but then I heard more than one. Bill opened the door and I saw two people, well four but I couldn't see two of their face.

"She awake?" Bill asked a female.
"Hours ago, but she kept freaking out and I got Andrew," She said, "He didn't do shit." She said.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare her," I bet this is Andrew.
"Sure," She said.
"Widow I told you I'm not good with kids," Andrew said.
"Daddy!" Star smiled.
"Hey, honey,"

I went down on one knee and she raced over to me. I hugged her and from the corner of my eye, I saw their facial expression.

"Are you better daddy?" Star asked me.
"Of course sweetie," I smiled, "I'm alright."
"Daddy I made friends," Star said.
"That great," I smiled.

Star quickly let's go and I fall on my back. My shoulder is in pain.

"You two off now!" Widow shouted.
"No!" They both yelled back.

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