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Pov Bill

I kept holding her as she sobbed into my chest. We moved the lady we held as prisoner in one of the offices. Will told me not to enter because he knows that I'll actually murder her. I stayed outside with Star as her cries calmed down.

"I-I didn't want this to happen," Star mumbled, "I-I had a bad feeling."
"I was focus on my brother's safety that I forgot that there were other people that I care about out there," I muttered.
"I didn't stay with him," Star said, "I-I should have gone with him, but I didn't."

What would Pinetree do to calm her down? Come on Bill think!

"Star," I said.
"Y-Yes," She said as she wiped her tears.
"W-What's the best thing that's ever happened?" I said.
"Um..." She thought about the question, "C-Coming here."
"Why is that?" I asked her.
"B-Because we finally found somewhere safe," Star said, "were we didn't have to be afraid."
"FUCK YOU!" I heard from the door.
"They said a no no word," Star mumbled.
"Yeah," I said, "What the fluff is going on in there."
"DIE IN THE PITS OF HELL!" That was shooting star said.
"Mabel isn't good at this is she?" Star mumbled.
"She's not the best for this," I said.
"A-Are going to save daddy?" Star asked.

I don't know...
I want to know, but I can't tell. It's hard to tell when you can't think straight or breaking down.

"Bill?" Star said.
"Sorry," I said, "I got lost."
"So..." Star said.
"I-I don't know," I said.
"At least your honest," She mumbled, "Daddy would always try to lie to me when things were bad, but he only did it to protect us."
"People lie to others when they want to protect them," I said, "It's always like that even in the worst situations."
"Daddy was happier here," Star muttered, "With you."
"He was happier with you too," I said, "He told me how much he loved you. How your the world to him and that he'll always try to he here for you even when he's away."
"He did?" Star mumbled.
"Of course," I said, "He always tries to see the good in people."

We heard a loud crash and I couldn't take it anymore. I entered the room and Star followed me.

"What's the fu- what's happening?" I said.
"You finally showed up," She smiled.
"We've been trying to make her talk, but nothing is working," Andrew said.
"She's just making Evan, Ryan and Mabel upset," Will said.
"You'll never find him," She chuckled.
"What makes you say that?" I said.
"He'll be dead," She grinned, "He'll only be a lab rat."

I punched her across the face as she laughed. Will told me not to hurt her too much because we needed her alive.

"Haha! You'll see a corpse and nothing more." She laughed, "D0A42-"

I grabbed her by her lab coat and pinned her to the wall. Will wanted to pull me back, but couldn't. I noticed the look on Andrew's face when he heard Pinetree's number. Pinetree only told me about what happened to him.

"Never call him that!" I shouted in rage, "Never call him that or I swear I'll make your death slow."
"You think your so clever? You know his story and think you can save him? It's too late!" She smiled, "I'll make sure he suffers because the more people he cares for the merrier!"

I kneed her in the stomach and she smiles at me.

"I've had worse because of D0A42," She said, "He never told you the whole story."
"What is she talking about?" Mabel said, "What whole story?"
"You've caused him so much," I said, "You managed to hurt someone so innocent and make him feel guilty about what you did. He never deserved to feel pain."
"He wasn't supposed too," She said.
"What are you talking about?" Evan said.
"Evan Ryan!" She smiled, "Where's the other one? Oh wait, dead."
"You little bitch!" Ryan yelled.
"Do they even know why he dead?" She shouted, "He knew too much."
"Enough!" I shouted, "Don't say anything else!"
"Let her talk," Mabel said, "Knew too much about what?"
"They don't know," She said, "This is hilarious!"
"Shut up!" I shouted.
"Cipher let her talk!" Evan, Ryan, and Mabel shouted.

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