She woke up!

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Pov Star

Daddy has been acting weird and every time I ask him why he changes. I took a nap and daddy said that I slept for two days which is hard to believe. I guess I did stay up for a bit because I saw something in the corner of my eye. I wasn't scared when I saw it because it went away after, but I wanted to know why. 

I was alone walking around because I keep losing daddy when he goes and helps someone. I saw a pig and it was small! I saw wearing daddy's tags because he told me to keep them safe when he was helping someone. 

"Where did Mr.Piggy go?" I mumbled.
"Hey!" Someone yelled.
"Uh?" I said.

"Sweetie, why are you by yourself?" It's the sir that looks like Mr.Bill!
"I saw a piggy," I said, "I lost it though." 
"Where's Dipper?" He asked.
"You look like Mr.Bill," I smiled.
"I'm his brother, Will," He said.
"I keep forgetting names," I said.
"It's alright, but-" Will looked around and then looked back at me, "let's go on an adventure."
"I love adventures!" I smiled.
"Come on," 

I walked with WIll and he leads me to so many places! He showed me what a broom was! It was just a stick with hay, crazy! 

"Tell me something about yourself," WIll said, "I'm curious."
"My name is Star and I'm nine!" I smiled.
"That's so cool," Will said.
"That's all," I said.
"There has to be more," Will said, "Like your favorite color?" 
"I don't have a favorite color," I said, "I haven't seen them all yet." 
"That's true," Will said, "What about a favorite animal?" 
"I like bunnies because those don't hurt me," I said.
"Tell me about your powers?" Will asked me.
"I can do this," I smiled.

I shot lightning bolts from my hand to the ground next to my foot because I didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Electricity that's very useful," Will said.
"Yeah, but daddy said I need to practice because sometimes I can't handle," I said.
"Well, practice does make perfect." Will smiled.
"Yeah!" I smiled.

We passed the rooms and I saw so many older kids with younger kids. Will looked around my neck and saw daddy's tags. I saw a light flying toward me, Mabel's awake! 

"What is that!?" Will said pulling me away from it.
"Let me go!" I said.
"No! We don't know what that thing is!?" 

The light was slowly dying and that isn't good that means she's in trouble. Don't worry Mabel I'm coming!

"She's in trouble," I said.
"What?" Will said.
"She's in trouble her light," I said.
"The girl that was with you?" Will said.

Will holds my hand and we both raced to the room where she was staying at and it took us a while because my legs are short and the stairs. So many stairs. I quickly open the door and she wasn't there. Where did she go?

"Where did she go?" Will said. 
"Mabel!" She was in the corner.
"Star you're alright!" Mabel hugged me.
"I am!" I smiled.
"Thank god she's not violent," Will said.
"Who are you?" Mabel hugged me tight and her eyes glowed.
"Spoke too soon," Will said,
"Mabel don't hurt him," I said.
"Why not? He could be mind controlled and seem nice," Mabel said.
"What?" Will said.
"No Mabel," I said, "He takes me on adventures and he's nice." 
"You don't know if he'll turn on us," Mabel said.
"He won't," I said.
"Are you sure?" Mabel said.
"Yeah!" I smiled. 
"I'm William, but please call me Will," Will said.
"Mabel," Mabel said. 
"Don't worry you're safe," Will said, "Only kids are here."
"Do you know what this place is?" Mabel asked him.
"Honestly no, but people with the tags rather hit me or question everything," Will said.
"To be honest I was gonna knock you out because I thought we were being minded control because most of the kids are if they didn't follow orders," Mabel said.
"What?" Will said.
"At least your not confused why were you tied up," Mabel said.
"What?" I said.
"If I knocked him out it would have happened and a mustache would be drawn as well," Mabel said.
"I'll be confused and mad," Will said.
"Let's go find Daddy!" I smiled.

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