7.What is in a name?

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I was looking forward to shawarma. And by looking forward to it, I mean that I was starving. I hadn't eaten in the past two days except for an apple that had been swiped from the fruit bowl on my way to the gym.

Food-wise, I hadn't tasted much other than dried meat, boiled vegetables and bread. That apple was the first fruit I had tasted in months. And, shawarma sounded pretty good, according to Tony. I guess it couldn't be too bad.

Maybe, if we were going out, I could escape. It would be relatively easy, but now that the Avengers have got my picture on file, they would be able to track me down using public cameras, which Stark could obviously hack into.

Or, they could just track me down themselves, no hacking required. How many blocks would I get before they could catch me? One? Two? Five? Even if I could escape, they would undoubtedly have agents near the place we were getting food at. It would be useless.

Well, at least I'd be getting out of the Avengers Tower; two days in there and I'd had enough. It was too big and modern.

" Who wants Shaw-ar--ma?" Tony sang, prancing down the hallway next to my room.

I sat up from my bed, and opened the door to my room. There were new black slacks and a t-shirt in my closet, so I wore those and the leather jacket. The outfit was at least more comfortable than my uniform at the Red Room Academy, but I felt naked without any weapons.

Tony and Bruce walked down the hall with eight giant bags of what I presumed was Shawarma. "You implied that we were going out"

" Pepper decided to come, and going out didn't fit in with her schedule, so we decided to bring the food to us" Bruce explained.

" Pepper?" I asked.

" My girlfriend" said Stark proudly, puffing out his chest.

" You never struck me as the type of person in the dating field, Stark"

" Actually, you could could consider me as the King of the dating field. Pepper and I are very serious. And, serious for Shawarma."

" Oh, really?"

We entered the large room that I had first met Director Fury. On the table sat the Avengers, casual clothes like usual, and two others whom I hadn't met.

On the nearest end of the table, sat who I assumed to be Pepper. She was tall and lean, with strawberry blond hair, and freckles dotting her nose, an almost a casual atmosphere surrounded her, even though she was in business clothes.

At the other end of the table, unmissable in all his glory, was a man the size of a bear. My eyes immediately flew to his long, soft, blond hair, almost an insult to my own. Unlike the others, he was in fighting gear, a huge chest plate covered his torso, as well as bracers on his wrists. His stark red cape covered the floor, hanging from his shoulders like a phantom ghost. He was the biggest on the table, and nearly dwarfed Cap, who seemed more stocky in comparison.

"And who might this be?" Thor boomed, surprising Bruce, who dropped one of the paper bags.

The Avengers all looked at me, and Steve was the first one to speak. " This is Experiment A-9753, the one we mentioned earlier. This is Thor, God of Thunder. "

" You look just like my brother, Lady experiment! Black hair, Pale complexion. Come sit with us and feast on the Shawarma!"

" Does he mean Loki?" I whispered to Tony.

" The one and only." He mumbled back.

" Hurry up, Tony. I'm hungry." Natasha called, spreading her hands for a paper bag of Shawarma.

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