49. Like a damn fiddle

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" What are the conditions?" Nat demanded.

" Ah, I knew I'd get to those at some point. Thanks for reminding me, Natasha. You give me the Sceptre, and a signed authorisation from SHIELD that I can keep my business, as well as my freedom, denying me of any illegal involvement in the matter, of course I'll give you the locations of your loved ones."

"Deal" we all said in unison. After all, we could always trick him afterwards, like he did to us.

How could I not have noticed it? The bead of sweat on Andrei's forehead, which I dismissed as heat from the fight. The fact that he was letting his mouth run loose. The tension in the room. Not even Nat had picked it up, or maybe she had she just dismissed it as well, as electricity from the fight earlier. She sat down, massaging her temples.

" You'd better decide quickly, time's ticking" Andrei mused, looking towards Steve and then Nat. " That bullet in his abdomen? And the one that scraped her arm? Poison. It'll kill them in minutes if you don't get him medical attention, and I'm the only one who knows what type of poison is in their bloodstream. The nearest medical is Stark Tower, which, conveniently, is the place where they can sign an authorisation form, and a pardon for me, and where my men are storming the building at this moment. "

Bruce revved the engine, the Jet giving a burst of speed. Well, shit. He played us like a damn fiddle.

Steve's and Nat's injury meant that we would have to ride to Stark Tower, not able to turn around. It also meant a heightened sense of desperation,of mortality, and that they wouldn't be able to help save Pepper and Storm. Tony took over. "Bruce, Loki and Clint, make sure Steve and Nat get to safety. Maeve, you'd better channel your inner John Wick, because you're coming with me."

I didn't have time to question his reference. " I'll be a liability. I'm injured. I'll probably just slow you down."

" Slow me down? No-one can do that" he sneered. "The Iron man doesn't slow down for anyone"

" I'm coming with you" said Loki. " Storm was my puppy, too"

I looked at him, then grabbed his hand, squeezing it. Tony smirked, as if humour was his way of coping with all of this; it probably was. " And there better be no lovery-dovey action going on. I'd like to keep part of my sanity intact"

Tony then put a hand to his ear. " Jarvis, We need another, small, fast flying jet, the fastest you can get, ASAP"

" No problem, Mr. Stark."

" Clint, radio the coordinates to us once you get them. Bruce, tell Fury what Andrei has so kindly proposed. We should be at the Tower in 2 and a half minutes."

" On it"

I looked over to Steve and Nat, who were both sitting on chairs, looking pale as a sheet. We didn't have much time. Tony pressed a button on the side of the jet, and stood in the middle of the room, a bot putting on his armour. " When I count to one," he told us, " Jump from the jet. A smaller, faster one should catch you."

He punched the button to open the back of the jet, and I could see New York underneath us. At least what looked like New York. I grabbed my jacket and boots, hastily shoving them on, not even bothering to tie the laces. There was no time anyways. Storm was in danger. And that made me angry. Very angry.

Loki looked at me, and I swallowed, forcing my fear down deep inside of me. This wasn't like jumping onto the snow to go roaring down a hill. It meant that they could die. There was a very real and immediate threat of them being already dead, something we had tried too hard to avoid. Something Finn could have told Andrei. Dammit. We had told him everything.

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