chapter 34

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pj's day began with a certain chris kendall ominously whispering at his back, "did you do it?" sounding obnoxiously pompous. like he knew something pj didn't know. pj did a decent job of ignoring him, and sped away in relief when the bell rang.

lunch was lonely, and pj resisted the urge to send another text to dan, not wanting to spam him while he was sick. he sat there, picking at his food, until he turned around on a whim to peer over at phil's table. he had expected phil to be frantic about it, especially with how protective he was of dan, and even a mild cold was bound to set him off but phil hadn't seemed so worried at the beginning of lunch-

what the fuck?

why was charlie casey practically draping himself over phil...?

pj squinted, cursing his shitty prescription.

yes. that was definitely charlie casey- was that him giggling?- leaning in far too close and-

pj whipped back around, breathing hard and cold all over. his hands automatically went to his phone before he slowly put them back flat on the table, stupefied with shock. that couldn't have been what he thought it was. it couldn't.

he turned back around. he couldn't see charlie's face or phil's, but body language spoke horrendous volumes. he turned back to his lunch sluggishly, feeling as though someone had seized his eyeballs and cut a wire in his brain.

what the hell had he just seen?

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