Chapter 1- Part 1

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Chapter 1

The portal opened and hurled immense heat and undisputable winds. For a fallen, even he could barely resist its powerful waves of confoundment. Talon held the portal open and motioned with silence for Luna and the rest of the guides to jump through. The roar of the wind was the main speaker as the group toggled through to the other side. Each taking a deep breath while looking back over their shoulders after their first steps in. The crunching of the hardened dirt under their feet opened the flood gate of memories and the pouring of fear that course through each of them. Leaving only the hope to make it back. With the aid of Selena, there was hope that no matter what took place upon meeting up with the dark one, the portal would be held open from the other side with Fairy power.

As they drudged through, the scenery had not changed. Howling winds, red atmosphere, grit like sandpaper to the eyes, with only a distant light to guide their way. The only differences were, different faces of those who traveled to the dark realm on this trip. Without the sound and quiet confidence of Caius, collectively the group ambiance was grim. The guides thoughts ran away from each of them, each reliving the moment of the dark one's riddle. Without Meridian and the aid of her gifts, made the tension thick and heavy.

The group continued to push through the high winds and dust that showered them, and the dim light they pushed toward soon became a bright spot to focus upon.

"Why aren't the demons swarming us? The last time we were here, they were relentless in their psychological warfare." Pramlee asked. "I can't say, that was the first thing I was expecting." Talon continued to look around.

Talon and the guides tightened up their group as the continued walking. As they continued to move through the dark realm they arrived in the same place where the winds died down and Relic was the first to take punishment for his sarcasm during their very first encounter with the dark one. Pramlee stood close to Luna, taking her by the hand.

The dark and sinister voice echoed through the realm and traveled from all directions. Shivers traveled down the spines of the unwelcomed visitors with every annunciation from the dark one.

"I see that you have returned without Caius who has taken his journey. "The dark one began to bring out his guttural laugh. "What of Meridian, your special one? I would love to see that ethereal being. What has ever happened to your dear Meridian?" The dark one laughed once more in provocation. "What do I owe the pleasure of your company? What are you willing to provide for my gracious sentiments?" The dark one asked with notes of pleasure in his voice.

With noticeable discomfort amongst the group, the answer came from Talon, with hesitation. "We value your graciousness and it did not go unnoticed that we entered without challenge. I come to you again in need of your assistance."

Relic stood with a halfcocked grin on his face. His memory of his last visit didn't seem to be a point of tension for him, now. He scratched his head. He whispered to Luna. "Did he just say gracious?" He leaned further into Luna who was nervous, however she rolled her eyes and sighed. "So, sentiments? Really? I didn't think demons had all that." Luna gave a quick jab with her elbow into Relic's side. He stumbled a bit as he grabbed his side. He quickly straightened his demeanor as the dark one answered Talon.

"Well the last time you and I spoke, Relic seemed to want to offer entertainment, as he appears to want to again. You managed to flee with him. I was disappointed by you stealing what was mine." The dark one's voice shifted as he recounted their prior visit when Meridian and Caius went with them into the dark realm. It was light in tone, like an attorney leading the opposition on the stand, waiting for an opening or an excuse to pounce, as though the lord of the dark realm needed an excuse.

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