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A thick, choking fog crept through the mouth of a small cave. It spilled across the stone and swirled around a pair of two particularly sinister-looking white front paws, which were sheathing and unsheathing their claws with an unrhythmic anger. The paws belonged to an average-built light gray she-cat with white patches that glowed through the shadows. Her eyes were a cold blue that held every evil intention the cat had ever conjured, and they were narrowed in a way that seemed to almost cut through the rock before her.

She was seated alongside three other individuals, each showcasing an evil conscious, though none quite as wicked as hers. She turned to her nearest companion, an old tom with sagging white fur.

"Snowtalon, do you remember what I told you?"

At the sound of her voice, he jerked open his green eyes and shook his head.

"Huh? What?"

She rolled her eyes. "The dream! Remember when I talked about the Dark Forest?"

"Uh..." he paused, seemingly deep in thought, "no?"

A skinny brown tom who sat next to Snowtalon curled his lip into a snarl. "This is a waste of time, and Snowtalon's memory loss is horrific. You won't get anywhere with him."

"Never mind that, Twistedbranch," a different dark gray she-cat said. "What was this about the Dark Forest?"

"One member came to me in a dream," the first female replied.

Snowtalon appeared as confused as ever. "Which one?"

"Dunno. Black fur, red eyes."

"Yeah, but did you catch a name?"

"I think he told me, but he's too insignificant for me to actually make a note of it."

"Forget it!" The second she-cat yowled. "Wickedstar, what'd he say?"

Wickedstar began to sharpen her claws against a rock, seemingly unphased by the topic at hand. "He told me about a virus, Stormfall."

"What kind of virus?" Twistedbranch asked.

The gray-and-white female shrugged. "The zombie kind of virus."

"What's it do?"

Stormfall scoffed. "Turns cats into zombies, idiot."

"It's perfect," Snowtalon's face morphed into a monstrous smile. "We'll be able to control everyone."

"No one will be disloyal!" Twistedbranch shouted.

Wickedstar grinned and nodded. "Exactly. With their brains turned to mush, there's nothing we won't be able to make the Clan do for us."

"Won't it affect us too, though?" Stormfall inquired.

Snowtalon shook his head. "Not if we just avoid everyone until it runs its course."

"Sounds foolproof to me," Twistedbranch mewed with a satisfied smirk. "I'm down."

Stormfall tilted her head. "When's this starting?"

"The cat told me that he'll release it in two moons," responded Wickedstar.

"Two moons? That gives us plenty of time to pre-."

Stormfall cut off Snowtalon's sentence. "Wait... what about StarClan? I'm pretty sure those goody four-paws would try to stop this."

"StarClan is no more. The Dark Forest took them over."

"About time!" Twistedbranch exclaimed with glee. "No one liked StarClan anyway."

Snowtalon nodded. "Yeah, their messages were annoyingly cryptic."

"I know, right?"

Wickedstar ran her claw along the stone to get the attention of her companions. "All of you, focus. We have two moons."

Stormfall smiled. "Alright, cool."

"Get ready."

Hey, hey, hey! Feather here with a bRaNd nEw bOoK!!11!!!1! This is a spoof story, so prepare for a lot of cliches and bad jokes xD. I used to love the dystopian genre so much, and after a few years I thought it'd be fun to remember the good old days by creating a new work for the account. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think of the prologue!
~ Feather

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