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It was an hour of him gathering his things, I watched as he moved methodically. He grabbed the Bible from his desk, a beautiful glass bottle with clear fluids, a beaded necklace with another cross as well as the one that hung from his wall. I watched him as he swung his coat on before he turned to me, bright blues flicked at my eyes.
"Why are you going to see her brother?" I asked, tilting my head.
"Gloria seems to think her brother is possessed by a demon, he's probably been drinking again but if it settles her mind, I'll go see him." He explained, looking around once more.
"So, you'll help him?"
"I need you to get dressed Sparrow, there are clothes in the box. I'll wait for you just outside the door." He said, walking out and shutting it behind him.
I opened the box he had brought in during the night, I pulled out a pair of dark bottoms, and a thick grey top with a hood. I discarded the mint green bottoms I had had on, and pulled the pants on over my legs, the fabric felt stiff. I put the hooded shirt on over the tank top I had worn the night before.
Slowly I walked over and opened the door. Father Barnes stood next to the door, his back pressed against the wall. He looked over to me as I stepped out, he looked down and saw my feet. His burrows furrowed as he stared at them.
"Sparrow, you need shoes." He sighed walking back into the room and coming out with a pair of things for my feet. My eye flicked from the shoe back to him.
"No, they tried to make me wear those at the last place. I don't like them, they hurt and feel weird." I told him, walking back to the main part of the church.
"Sparrow, you have to." He stated, following me closely. "You'll step on something and cut your feet up, plus there are places you can't go without them on."
"Then I'll just watch where I am going and I won't go to those places." I stated, turning to face him suddenly, the priest had to stop short. His body was almost flush against me, looking down. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
"I do, but you are coming with me, I'm not going to leave you alone in the church. Even though it is a house of god and the demons can't cross that threshold there are still countless people out there who can and would do you harm." He explained, slowly backing away, he cheeks pinkened. "So shoes please."
"Father Barnes, if you don't want to be late I suggest we go, the woman's brother won't be getting any better by us standing here arguing over those things that you wear on your feet." I stated, looking up him. I would not wear those, anything but those.
He sighed, setting the shoes on one of the benches before grabbing the bag he set down. He gestured towards the door, shaking his head. I smiled to myself as I walked to the open door way. The pavement beneath my feet was wet, and cold, something about being able to feel the ground beneath my feet that soothed me. It made me feel grounded, like the thoughts, dreams and demons I saw weren't as bad as they felt.
The dreams were mostly the same, it was when I could first remember. The sounds of humming, and the whine of static. A frightening thought that before I woke in that cold place, surround by bright lights and tubes, the sounds of steady beeping, I had no memories. Just the sound of wind, before I realized it Father Barnes and I stood before an old building, the stones it was made of were red a square.
"Gloria and her brother Alec live on the third floor." He explained as he held the door open for me. I walked in, and I could feel it, the cold that lingered in the air, the one that I knew others missed, that could seep deep into my bones. I paused, the steady beat of heart increased as I looked over to the priest who slowly started to climb the stairs.
I followed him up, staying close behind as the temperature continued to drop, the faint foul odor of the demon started to waft to me. I bit my lip, my fingers began to tremble, slowly I slipped my hand into his. Father Barnes looked over his shoulder at me as we climbed. He narrowed his eyes to me, but I looked up the stair way. The light on the wall flicked lightly and the shadows moved away from him like they had the night before.
We got to a door, and I could hear the whispering, it was words I couldn't understand. Like a low rumbled, growling sound. I swallowed, feeling something thick in my throat that wasn't there. I looked to Father Barnes.
"Sparrow, what is the matter?" He asked, looking to me.
"It's here, can't you feel it? It's cold, and it's angry." I spoke, looking toward the door. "It wants to devour him, the man you want to help."
"You can feel demons?" He question, his brows pinched together as he stared me.
"You can't?" I asked back, I reached up and knocked on the door. I could hear the hissing before any movement on the other side. "It knows we're here."
"Well isn't that wonderful." He muttered as the door swung open.
The smell of rotten eggs hit Bucky, almost making him take a step back. Gloria gave him a relieved smile as she stepped out of the way, allowing him and Sparrow passage into the small dwelling. The rooms were dark as he walked toward the back bedroom, Sparrow's hand tighten as she looked around. He knew she was seeing the shadows creatures on the walls.
    He pushed the door open, flies swarmed out, and the smell intensified. Alec lay on the bed face down, slowly his torso rose backwards almost at an unnatural position. Bucky closed his eyes for moment to the human face, slowly he opened his eyes and could seethe demon behind the man. It's body was coal black, and slick, it's muscles were exposed each fiber moving as it held tight to it's host. The head was overly large, long razor sharp teeth, inky black held its maw slightly open. The demons forehead was caved in as with all demons he had come a cross. It's long thin forked tongue slipped out between its teeth, lapping at the air before it.
     It's head snapped to the Bucky and Sparrow, slowly Bucky allowed the bag to slide from his shoulder. It hissed to them as he closed the door behind them, he looked over to Sparrow, her body was rigid as she stared the entity down. He opened the bag and grabbed his cross and rosary.

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