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I managed to endure an awkward dinner with Shayne and my mother. Shayne and my mom would talk while I would go on my phone. In between bites my mom would try to get me in the conversation but I would say minimal things. Occasionally I could see Shayne stealing glances at me. He was probably judging me like he does other people. Dinner was pretty good if I had to admit. Shayne had made us Fettuccine Alfredo and he was actually a pretty good cook. Still didn't make me like him better. My mom was busy telling him stories about her childhood that I could tell he wasn't interested in. At one point she was discussing the process of how she broke her nail and I saw Shayne roll his eyes. I snickered a little bit.

"Olivia?" My mom asked looking at me.

"Uh- Where's your bathroom?" I asked.

"The closest one is upstairs on the right" Shayne said.

I nodded and went to the stairs. As I walked up the stairs I once again thought about how I wasn't surprised that he had multiple bathrooms. He would probably have multiple mirrors if he could. That's what regular rich people do, order everything. I found the door to what I thought the bathroom was and opened it. I was surprised to see Damien watching monitors of the driveway at a desk. He turned and saw me.

"Hello" He said.

"Sorry" I said.

"Haha you're fine, can I help you find something?" He said standing up.

"I'm looking for the bathroom" I replied.

"This way" He said and led me down the hall.

As we reached the room he clarified as the bathroom, I thanked him.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem" He said and left back down the hall.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I didn't really have to use it, I just used it to take a break from dinner. I freshened myself up in the mirror and then went back towards the room with Damien in it. Maybe I could learn more about Shayne and see if he really is a douche. The door was open but I knocked on it anyways.

"Hey, what's up?" Damien asked looking up.

"Does Shayne usually do these dinners with people?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"Like the other fancy people who just throw parties and dinner for no reason" I said.

"Ha" Damien scoffed.

"What?" I asked.

"Shayne never does dinners" He said.

"What? Then why did he invite my mom?" I asked.

"Ha" Damien scoffed again.

"What's so funny?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Shayne didn't invite your mother" He responded.

"What? Then why are we here? She invited herself?" I asked.

"He invited you" He said.

"Me?" I said suprised.

"Yeah, your mom just kind of invited herself after he asked about you" Damien said.

"Great, he probably just wanted to gawk like he does at all the other girls he invites over" I said.

"Other girls?" He asked.

"The rumors all over town is that he invites girls over just to boost his ego" I said.

"Shayne? That's laughable" Damien said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Shayne never invites girls over" He said chuckling.

"He doesn't? But what about the rumors?" I prodded.

"That's all those are, rumors" He replied.

Huh, I guess he wasn't a total fuckboy after all. I guess he wasn't completely as bad as I thought. Still didn't make me like him anymore though. It did make me wonder why he asked for me.

"Do you know why he asked for me?" I asked.

"No" He replied shrugging.

"Ok, well thanks anyways I guess" I said and left.

Damien nodded goodbye as I went back downstairs. As I walked down the stairs I came to a conclusion that Shayne either asked me here to judge me as poor or to feed his thirst that all guys have. Either way I wasn't going to thank him for it. I would just have to power through it and go home. I got back to the table and saw Shayne gathering our plates and taking them to the kitchen. I stood next to my mother.

"It's impolite to be in the bathroom for so long at a guests house" She said.

"Ugh whatever mom" I said and rolled my eyes.

Shayne came back to the dining room wiping his hands with a towel.

"Thank you guys for coming to dinner, hopefully we can do it again soon" He said.

"I would love too" My mom said.

"Sureee" I muttered.

Shayne led us to the front door as he talked with my mom. There were opportunities for me to join in but I declined. Shayne didn't impress me that much, I wasn't some poor sap who thought some rich and handsome guy was the be all and end all. As we got to the door he said goodbye. My mother said goodbye and gave her thanks before leaving out the door. I was about to follow in her steps when Shayne put a hand on my shoulder.

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