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I yawned and stretched my limbs. Even in a big bed like my own, I still managed to wake up on the edge of it. My covers were all crumpled near me and the maid would probably have to remake the bed later today. I found a pair of black sweats on the ground and threw them on. After about 30 seconds, I gave up on looking for a shirt and left my room.

The personal gym was my go to every morning, either that or a lengthy walk. I stepped into the room and flipped on the light switch. The light shone down on all of my exercise equipment. I found my workout shoes near the door and slipped them on. I used the remote to turn on the flat screen in the corner and hopped on the treadmill.

The sounds of the treadmill and the TV filled the room. When I glanced out the window, I saw the sun rise. It was a nice day outside. Maybe I'd ask Olivia if she wanted to hang out later today-


I forgot about what happened yesterday. I made a complete fool of myself. I started to run faster and harder on the treadmill as my face heated up. I couldn't even man up and admit what I wanted. She asked me plain as day and I gave a bullshit answer. Ugh, why am I like this? Now she probably will never see me as anything more than a friend.

The timer went off, signaling that my run was complete. I hit the button and the treadmill slowed down until it stopped. As I got off, I wiped my face with a fresh white towel. I muted the TV and walked over to the weight rack. I grabbed the usual lbs and sat down on the black bench. I started doing my curls and other weight lifts.

The door to the gym opened but I didn't hear it. I only noticed because it caught the corner of my eye in the gum mirror. I turned around and saw Damien.

"Hey Dame" I said nonchalantly.

"Hello Shayne" He said with a smile.

"Everything good?" I asked him.

"Yep, no worries or threats that I can report" He said.

"That's a relief" I said.

"I just came in to give you the mail" Damien said.

"Thanks, you can just put it on the table over there" I said.

"Ok, well I won't take up too much of your time" He said.

"It's nothing" I said waving dismissively.

Damien gave a nod before leaving the mail on the table and walking out. I resumedy lifting until I hit my desired amount of reps. I placed the weights back on the rack and wiped my hands off on a nearby towel.

I found a jump rope and did a couple of sets before trading it for a weight ball. I tossed it in the air, against the wall and some other exercises before putting it down. At this point, I had really started to workup a sweat. I looked at the clock on the wall and decided to take a short breather.

I grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge and took a long drink. I went over to the table with the mail and picked up the letters. Nothing major just a couple of bills and ads,the usual. There was a letter from Courtney from college that I saved for later. The last piece of mail I didn't recognize.

It just said 'Shayne Topp' in big bold and black letters. With my curiosity spiked, I tore open the letter to see its contents. Inside was what looked like a photograph and a letter. Since the letter was on top, I decided to read it first.

Shayne Topp you have twenty four hours to meet us at Branch Pier or she dies!

Huh? What does that mean? I pulled the photograph from under the letter and took a gather.

Holy Fuck!

That's Olivia!

What is going on!!?? Why did they kidnap her?? More importantly why!? Are they trying to get to me? I panicked and grabbed the phone on the wall. I placed a call to security and Damien answered.

"Shayne?" He asked.

"We have an emergency!" I said panicking.

"What!? What's going on?" Damien asked concerned.

"They have her!" I said.

"They have who?" He asked.

"God damn it Damien! they have Olivia!" I said angry.

"I'm on my way to you now, don't move! " He said hanging up.

Fuck, this can't be happening. I can't let her die. I don't even care anymore that I made a idiot of myself in front of her yesterday. Right now I only wanted one thing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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