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I walked through the park in the afternoon to the place where Shayne asked me to meet him. It was still pretty sunny even being this late in the afternoon. Most people were either jogging or had left already. Shayne was sitting on a bench near the fountain in the middle of the park. I slowly made my way over and sat down next to him.

"Hey" I said.

Shayne didn't say anything. He just picked his head up and looked at me uneasy.

"I wanted to apologize" I said.

"Ok" He finally said.

"I'm sorry about what happened, I wouldn't have done it if I had gotten to know you first like I did these past weeks" I said.

"That's the problem, you just assumed I was some asshole" He said.

I could tell he was clearly hurt but was trying his best to hide it.

"Shayne.." I began.

"You didn't even give me a chance, just like everyone else, you just wanted to use me" He said.

Shayne was hearing me but he wasn't really hearing me. He probably just went through with listening to me as a pity act. I decided to take a chance and open up to him.

"Shayne.." I said again.

He looked at me in the eyes again except this time he stopped talking. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Before I moved here I was in a few relationships, I met my now ex boyfriend James who at first was really nice to me. After a while though he became really angry at the slightest things and blamed me for them. I finally decided to leave him when he began to get physical" I said feeling my eyes start to burn.

Shayne was looking at me still but his gaze had softened quite a bit.

"After I left him I tried to move on. I met another guy named Sam who at first helped me get through the tough times. After a couple weeks though he began to become distant and pretty soon he was making excuses. One day when I came home I found out what was going on with him. He was cheating on me with another woman. Ever since then I have thought of guys as assholes who just want to use me. When I heard about you and saw you I thought you would be the same as every other guy" I said tearing up.

Shayne moved over and pulled me into a tight embrace. I let the tears fall off my face and roll down his back.

"After getting to know you, I realized how wrong I was, you are probably the realest and most honest person I've met. I'm truly sorry about what happened" I managed to say.

Shayne just held me tight in his arms.

"I'm so sorry those things happened to you" He said.

I sniffled and wiped the tears from my eye with one of my hands. I separated from the hug and looked at him.

"I'm supposed to be the one apologizing" I said sniffling.

"I forgive you" He said.

"Really?" I asked trying to clean my face.

"Yes, I understand now why you did what you did" Shayne said empathetically.

"But I was so wrong, how can you forgive me so easily?" I asked.

"Because, just like you said, I've gotten to know you these past few weeks as well. I know you at heart, are a nice person " He said.

"I never meant to hurt you" I said.

"It's ok" He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Could we still be friends? I don't really have that many and I would like to count you as one" I asked hopeful.

"I would want nothing more" He said.

I squeezed his hand on my shoulder. This was the first time I had ever opened up to someone about my past. Not even my mom or Courtney knew. Something about Shayne had made me feel different. It was like he actually listened to and understood me.

"I have to go but I hope to hear from you soon" Shayne said getting up.

"I'll text you" I said.

Shayne nodded and began to walk away. I stood up when he turned around.

"And Olivia?" He said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Thank you" Shayne said before turning back around.

Irresistible | ShayliviaWhere stories live. Discover now