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Seth: Are you alright? You can tell me if something is troubling you.

Tallulah: It's just nerve wracking to realise that this is happening, there's gonna be so many people, plus the arenas are massive.

Seth: You get used to it, I promise. Like I told you before, the company obviously see potential in you.

Tallulah: I know, and I'm ready, it's just all becoming real and scary.

Seth: I still remember my first day, my legs were shaking as I walked into the door.

Tallulah: Do you ever regret signing with WWE?

Seth: Absolutely not. There's a few things I regret in life, but signing with the company has never been one of those things.

Tallulah: Can I ask you something?

Seth: Of course love ❤️

Tallulah: Do you think I'm ready? I feel like I'm just not going to be as good as everyone else.

Seth: Look, I'm flying to Florida tomorrow for an appearance, how about I make some time and come and visit you?

Tallulah: Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way of your busy day.

Seth: I'm completely sure, it'll be nice to meet you in person, plus I could take you to the gym, show you what a WWE workout consists of?

Tallulah: That would be perfect. Thank you. I'll send you over my address and details ❤️

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