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Brooklyn: I swear I'm going to hurt you if you're not careful Rollins!

Seth: What? Why? What's happening?

Brooklyn: Tallulah

Seth: What about her? Is she hurt?

Brooklyn: No, but you will be if you don't tell her that you fancy her...

Seth: I do not

Brooklyn: You can try and deny it Seth but it's obvious, it's a girl thing, I can tell.

Seth: Maybe I do, but I can't tell her, I don't deal well with rejection. I think it's best we leave things as they are.

Brooklyn: Do you know how long we've all waited for someone to show a bit of interest in our girl? I wouldn't say anything unless I wasn't convinced there could be something special between the two of you.

Seth: How do I ask her out? I've never asked a girl out before.

Brooklyn: Never?

Seth: They've always come to me.

Brooklyn: You've got a lot to learn, but I'll help you, for Tallulah's sake. Just ask her for coffee, she'll say yes.

Seth: I will, when I'm ready. I'm trusting you Brookie.

Brooklyn: Trust me ❤️

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