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Seth: It may be no business of mine, but who is this Daniel guy that everyone's having a go at?

Tallulah: He's an ex, a bad ex

Seth: Oh

Seth: I take things didn't end well

Tallulah: He cheated, several times. Once I could forgive but after that I just had to end things

Seth: But he's never really let you go

Tallulah: Nope

Tallulah: I just want him to leave me alone, I've blocked him, his friends, I've tried everything but he just doesn't seem to get the message

Seth: You've got me now, I'll look after you, his cheating ass won't be coming anywhere near you

Tallulah: Thanks Seth...what would I do without you?

Seth: I'm sure you'd survive, a strong, beautiful girl like you

Tallulah: Beautiful?

Seth: are, aren't you?

Seth: Wait, I didn't mean to ask you, I'm telling you. You are beautiful Tallulah, you're amazing

Seth: Can I take you out on a date? A proper one, a nice dinner, maybe catch a movie

Tallulah: You may, that sounds lovely

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