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Brooklyn: Tallulah, what's happening? You and Seth!

Tallulah: I should have said, it's just been so busy with work and travelling I haven't found the time.

Brooklyn: You've been spending too much time with Seth. I'm your best friend.

Tallulah: I know, and I know what you're going to say, but I can't give up on us.

Brooklyn: He cheated on you, come on you're better than this, I get you're into this guy but don't allow yourself to be treated this way.

Tallulah: We presumed that he cheated, there's a difference. We've talked things through, and we are trying to get through this. We were wrong.

Tallulah: Are you not happy for us? For me?

Brooklyn: I don't know if I'm happy anymore. This was one photo, that happened to be taken. You don't know what else he could be up to that hasn't been found out yet.

Tallulah: Are you serious?

Brooklyn: Look, I'm sorry but I'm not sure how much I trust Seth anymore. I wish you could see this for yourself. We can't rule out what could be happening behind your back.

Tallulah: No, you know what Brooklyn, I'm sorry. Because if you can't see how happy he makes me than I wonder how much of a friend you really are. True friends are supposed to support each other regardless of what they might think.

Brooklyn: Don't be silly.

Tallulah: Silly or realistic? I'm falling hard for this guy and until you can learn to support your best friend then just leave me alone for awhile.

Tallulah: I didn't think you could be like this. Honestly, I think you're jealous Brooklyn, I pity you.

Brooklyn: Tallulah. Stop this.

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