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Lanie and I lay on my bed with our heads hanging over the side, we were talking about the prom and the game plan  for my BTS tickets. I sat up and she followed suit, I pulled my necklace out from underneath my shirt. "Beckett gave this to me yesterday, and he told me he loved me" I blushed. She squealed "take that Asher! I get fifty bucks!" I stared at her in disbelief "what?" She asked "it took you two long enough! It was like stuffing two blind mice in a maze, it was sad and depressing to watch." She shrugged and her eyes lit up again "of course he loves you! He legit spent a fortune on your concert tickets!" She said matter of factly. She sat forward with her hands cupping her face "well, what did you say?" she asked bouncing excitedly "I told him that I Legolas'd him" I said and she stopped bouncing, her face went blank "OMG" she wailed "where did I go wrong Areum? I thought I raised you right!" I watched as she went limp on the bed "what?" I asked. She sat right back up and looked me in the eyes "Legolas! The elf dude from 'Lord of the Rings' really Ari?" she asked exasperated "what? Beckett thought it was cute" I pouted. "Honey, I just can't get over the fact that you Orlando Bloomed your lover boy" she hugged me "if Beckett liked it that's great! You two can be adorable little weirdos together." She pulled away from me with her hands still on my shoulders "I'm still your maid of honor, right?" She asked with puppy dog eyes "of course who wouldn't want their kick-ass best friend as their maid of honor? But we are not getting married anytime soon Lane" I assured her. "I know" she said "I just need the affirmation every now and then." 

"Lane you know I love you right but why aren't you at school?" I asked. "School, schmool why would I waist my time there when my girl isn't even in attendance?" She brushed it off. "But Asher is there isn't he?" I asked and Lanie shrugged "his football buddies will keep him busy enough without me Ari." I accepted her answer and we spent the whole afternoon together.


Beckett and I went to the local animal shelter on 'empty the shelter day' to look at some puppies. Beckett had always wanted a puppy, and puppies are cute, you have no heart if you don't like baby animals. We entered the shelter hand in hand when we heard a commotion something crashed as it hit the ground and then a woman's voice cried out "grab him!" a little white fluff-ball came bolting out of the hallway labeled; Dogs. He ran straight into Beckett's leg and bounced back a little as he fell on his bottom, sitting in a heap on the ground, staring back up at us with adorable brown and blue heterochromatic eyes was a beautiful white baby husky. I crouched down and picked the pup up "well hello there baby" I cooed. I cradled him in my arms and stood Beckett stroked the puppy's head as the puppy's eyelids drooped in my arms "can we get him?" Beckett asked me with puppy dog eyes. I grinned "of course!" I responded, we took him to the shelter's front desk. "Hello!" the older woman at the desk greeted happily "hi" Beckett responded "we were wondering if we could take this little guy home with us?" he asked. The woman looked at the puppy in my arms "what a good choice!" she said "Fenrys is a good boy, he is a little trouble maker though" she said as she filled out paperwork. Someone came running out of the hallway with dirt streaked across her face "he's an escape artist for sure" she grumbled eying the puppy warily. 

We got Fenrys and we took him to the pet store to pick him up a collar and toys and took him home, we got through the door to his parent's house and set Fenrys down. His mom came out of the kitchen to greet us when she saw the puppy, she froze in place shell shocked and then she scooped him up. "What a little baby" she cooed as Fenrys licked kisses onto her cheeks. Beckett took my hand "we are never getting our dog back" he said smiling at the woman in front of us. "I know" I responded grinning.


Later that day Beckett came to pick me up for our movie, Mika was staring Beckett down from the other side of the room "you try anything hanky panky Beck, and I'll know, I have no doubts about castrating you" He made hand scissors. Archer looked alarmed "dude! isn't that a little too far, you're killing the guy code here." Mika glared at Archer "Archer do you enjoy the phrase Beckett will bang our little sister." Archer looked angry "point taken brother, no guy code to protect your balls if you get handsy Bucket." Asher taunted. I shook my head and grabbed Beckett's hand and led him out of the house "I'm sorry about Mika and Archer, they think they have to be the ones to intimidate you since my dad is missing." He opened Edna's passenger door for me and helped me up into her, he closed the door behind me and ran around to the other side. He put her into drive and began our trek to the cinema, he reached out and laced our fingers together, "well of course" he said his eyes focused on the road "I don't blame them Reumi, but Archer is a softie and really wouldn't hurt me... that bad" he visibly winced "now, Mika is a different story, he would hurt me without a doubt." I nodded and pressed my lips to the back of his knuckles, we talked about stupid meaningless things on our drive and I will always cherish the time spent with him. 


'Bad Boys for Life' actually wasn't that bad, I got a couple good laughs and some eye candy (Alexander Ludwig and Charles Melton.) Beckett loved it, get him any kind of Will Smith movie and he is sold (but maybe not 'Focus' that wasn't his one of his favorites.) We got back into Edna and he drove me home hand in hand again, we pulled into my driveway and we sat there in comfortable silence as I thought of something to say. Beckett pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me, I took it and looked at him worriedly "what is it?" I asked. He ignored my question "just read it Areum" he said sighing loudly. And so I did, my hands shook as I tried but failed to keep the paper still. It was a military summons, he was to be deployed to Iran to train and observe, to observe something I couldn't read because it was blacked out in Sharpie. I bit my lip to keep any noise from leaving my lungs "this leave has always been temporary Angel I going to have to go back sooner or later, they just cut it short." He said "and I know we just became exclusive and that our relationship is just blooming, but I'll be back, I would crawl through hell to get to you Areum." I nodded and he wiped tears from my face "its okay Angel, we'll get through this" he whispered. I kissed him "spend the night with me" I asked "please?" He looked into my eyes and shook his head "Areum your emotional, you're not thinking straight." I couldn't stop the sob that tore from my throat "hey, its okay baby" he got out of the truck and opened my door, he unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me from my seat "shh" he pressed a kiss to my forehead and just held me until I couldn't cry any more.

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