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Two years later...

I awoke to screaming.

I sat up in bed and gently rubbed his shoulder "Beckett honey, it's just a dream baby wake up." Suddenly I was shoved against the bed, I couldn't breathe,

"Down! Down! You need to get Down!" Beckett yelled he was breathing hard. 

"Beckett" I soothed, I needed to stay calm "Beckett you need to wake up!" I shook him and his eyes snapped open. He rolled off of me and held me in his arms.

"Baby I'm so sorry, did I hurt either of you?" he cried looking me over for any physical injuries 

"Shhh, shhh its okay Beckett we are fine, was it the same dream?" I asked caressing his face and he nodded. The same dream of the bombing, the same dream of losing his leg in the explosion and trying to save lives. There are still some things he hasn't told me about the aftermath of that bombing, he said there are still things he's coping with. He nestled his face in the crook of my neck "do you think you'll be able to go back to sleep?" I gently asked as I let him hold me. He inhaled my scent and shook his head letting out a muffled "no." I frowned "do you want me to stay up with you?" I asked and he shook his head again and pulled away from me,

"No, you need your sleep angel" He said delicately laying me onto the bed "Fenrys will keep me company" Beckett whistled and Fenrys was at his side in an instant prosthetic leg in mouth. Beckett had to have his leg below the knee amputated, there was no way of saving the tissue it was already dead, not to mention he said the rest of his leg was annihilated in the blast. He sighed and grabbed his sleeve off the night stand. He knew the process by heart now, first the sleeve, then placing the limb in the prosthetic joint, and finally rolling the sleeve on the prosthetic up and he had a functioning second leg. He gingerly stood and followed Fenrys out of our bedroom, I laid a hand atop the swell of my stomach, ever since I'd started to eat for two I've had to increase my insulin levels. I even got a new pump, it was a small compact patch one that came with the bluetooth handset feature, it was much more convenient for me and I set alarms on my phone at least four times a day everyday to check my blood sugar levels. With a little one growing inside me I've become much more responsible and caring for my body, I exercised with Beckett regularly now, walks with Fenrys, trips to the gym, yoga, and recreational means of exercise that made my face heat even thinking about. We were close to our wedding day it was in three days, was I excited? Yes but Beckett and I are living together now, I'm pregnant, and we share custody of Fenrys together I guess the only other things to do involves taxes and an official document. Plus Lanie would hate me if we didn't have a wedding, she was helping me plan it which took loads off my plate, thank god. I'm a wedding planner who doesn't want anything to do with planning my own wedding, I find it kind of ironic. Luckily Lysandra and Freya took pity on me as well and are helping Lanie with the wedding details, they still ran their ideas by me but most of it is supposed to be a surprise. With a meow and a thump our now two year old cat Manon was curled next to me on the bed, she was a longhaired white cat with peach colored ears and tail, Beckett originally wanted to name her creamsicle but I vetoed it instantly. I stroked her soft fur and fell asleep to the sounds of her purrs.

Wedding countdown: Three days till W-day

Lanie bought this little countdown sign as an engagement present but as soon as this party was over I was burning it. I was sick of looking at the stupid little bows that adorned the chalkboard frame, Beckett placed a dry piece of toast in front of me kissing my neck as he walked by. "See if you can hold this down before you try to eat anything else angel" he instructed. Oh, the joys of pregnancy it's overrated, puking my guts up every morning wasn't a pleasant thing to look forward to. I took a small bite of my toast and admired my beautiful shirtless husband's back as he stood at the stove. Every time he moved the corded muscles on his back moved with him, I did good his low hanging joggers revealed the dimples at the bottom of his spine. He had a couple scars on his back from shrapnel and a scar from a bullet wound but even with his scars Beckett Rowan Stark was flawless from head to toe, inside and out. "Enjoying the view?" Beckett jokingly threw over his shoulder.

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