#9 Another Band Member Hits On You

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clifford // "beat you, again." ashton bellowed, placing his controller down to grab a handful of popcorn. "dick." you mumbled, rolling your eyes playfully as you stood only to be pulled into ashton's lap. "excuse me?" he giggled, flicking your nose and scrunching his own, "you've got a cute nose, y/n."
michael scoffed from the doorway and turned into the kitchen, ashton scrambling to get from underneath you. you rushed to the kitchen where your boyfriend has disappeared. "michael?" you called out, biting your lip as he rummaged through the fridge.
you huffed, gripping his arm and watching him look down at you, "i need you to listen to me. what you saw between ash and i was not romantic in anyway." he rolled his eyes and closed the fridge door, "sure as hell wasn't platonic." mike sighed, flipping open a can of coke. "trust me, mikey, i love you and only you." you hummed, placing the soda down next to him and giving him a soft kiss."
"yuck!" ashton gushed from the door, michael's laugh rumbling as he pulled away from your lips.

hemmings // "try me." you taunted, as calum's snapback rested upon your head, hands on your hips, "if you want the snapback to bad, come a get it." you chuckled, skipping your way across staged and yelling as calum rushed at you, engulfing you in a hug and ripping the hat from your head, "it's mine. but, it looks better on you anyway."
you blushed and pushed at calum, luke gripping your waist and startling you, "jesus, luke," you smiled, "you scared the fuck out of me." your smile faltered as luke stormed away, beckoning you to follow him. "luke? you've got soundcheck in like 2 minutes.."
"y/n, i don't care for that. i care that you and calum got a bit too familiar with each other." he huffed, running his fingers roughly through his hair. "luke, that was just a joke.. it's not serious." you giggled, trying to lift up the mood. he stared down at you and you hugged him, snuggling your face into his broad chest, "i'm not calum's." you smiled, watching his face light up as he kissed you.

hood // luke eyed you as you rushed down the stairs, placing your cell phone down and looking around for your keys. "you look damn good today, y/n." the 18 year old chuckled, biting his lip. you blushed and fixed your hair.
"y/n," calum growled, brown eyes narrowing, "we're leaving now." he huffed, grabbing his cell phone and exiting the room quickly. "calum!" you huffed, standing from where you were sitting and following the fuming boy. "cal, that was unnecessary." you sighed, crossing your arms.
"unnecessary? y/n, luke indiscreetly flirted with you! how do you expect me not to be angry?" calum blared, the grip on his phone growing tighter. "look, i don't know how you took it but what he did was unnecessary." you stepped forward to cup his face and he turned, jaw tensing, "no need to be like that, calum, luke was just being nice and, yes, a bit too nice."
"a bit?"
"calum," you responded sternly, "i'm yours not lukes and not anyone elses okay?" calum sighed and nodded, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, "okay."

irwin // "michael!" you screamed, storming out with blue hair, "what the hell did you do?" you placed your hands on your hips. "nice hair," mike snickered, earning a slap in the arm. "seriously, mike. i like our pranks but this is just too far." michael licked his lips and cocked an eyebrow, "you're hot when you're angry."
you choked on your words and blinked, obviously taken aback, "don't do that again.." you cleared your throat and made his way back to the bathroom. "ash!" you gripped your chest and sighed, "did you..?"
"it wasn't intended! i didn't know he was gonna do that." you rushed ahead and bit your lip. ashton sighed and leaned on the sink, "bastard." he sighed, crossing his legs, jaw tensing. "it's alright ash.. i'm yours anyway." you smiled, kissing his cheek.

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