Falling In Love With An Emo Girl Is As Complicated As It Get's -Abercrombie Sequel- Chapter One
"Oh my God," I can't believe she's out like this. "Maria baby, wake up." I said and stroked her hair. Benji and I managed to get her to the car, my car, and Lyndzey was calling her mom and explaining what happened. Apparently, this happens when she's really freaked out and stressed out. Who knew? Well I sure didn't.
"She should have been waking up by now." Taylor muttered. He was walking around with this look of pure disgust on his face, and his arms crossed. That...that...SOB! Yeah, I abbreviated.
"Yeah, we know, you better shut up before I really do give you a black eye, jack arse." I spat.
"This never would have happened had you not freaked her out and started swinging."
"Taylor! Shut. Up." Benji snapped. I faught back a laugh.
"Ms. Summers is on her way." Lyndzey said and looked at Maria. She went and sat down, on the seat, and pulled Mar's head into her lap.
"Come on baby," I whispered and kissed Maria's forehead.
After a few minutes of silence, Ms. Summer's car pulled up and she got out and ran over to us. She motioned for me to move out of the way. I just moved over a bit. I'm not leaving Maria's side right now. That's just not an option. She checked Maria over and stood up.
"She's never been out this long before, if she's not up in a few minutes, I'm taking her to the hospital." She said with her arms crossed over her chest. Lyndzey kept smoothing out Maria's hair. I held Maria's hand. We all sat and waited for a few minutes and just watched her. Lyndzey got out and I took her place. I kissed Maria gently on the lips. Her eyelids started to flutter and then her eyes opened. He looked at me and placed a hand on her forehead.
"What happened?"
"Nothing Sleeping Beauty. Just, nothing you need to worry about, right now." I told her. She took my hand and kissed my palm, and then rested her head on my lap again.
"I love you." She said and I held her.
"I love you too princess."
I know I know, it's short. Like severely. But I wanted to post something and my computer isn't working so I'm using my grandma's. Tell me what you think of the story! -Nicole
Falling In Love With An Emo Girl Is As Complicated As It Get's -Abercrombie Bk.2
Подростковая литератураThis is what happens, after The Girl That Doesn't Like Labels Calls Him Abercrombie! That's as descriptive as I get!