Chapter 3.

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5 months later.

Sherlyn aka Sheri, and Erica aka Eri, had moved together with their boyfriends in to a big white castle. It was very beautiful, fluffy white walls (which Eri first thought was cotton candy so she tried to eat it), with big pretty windows. Their best friends that were like sisters to them, Dani and Mari had moved with them too with Ashton and Michael. They all thought they were really cool (which they weren't) and called themselves "The Fabbers".

"WAKE UP YOU MOTHERFUCKER AND GET YOUR LAZY FUCKING SEXY ASS OVER HERE I WANNA CUDDLE" Eri yelled at her boyfriend beside her in their shared bed. She was sad because Luke had dropped her ice cream the day before. Stupid asshole.

Calum groaned and shoved a pillow in Eri's face.

"I wanna sleeeeep"

"But Caluuum please"


Ohmygod his morning voice was so hot jesus christ!!

Eri sighed and got out of bed in one of Calums big T-shirts that reached mid thigh, and walked down the corridor. The castle was quiet so she decided to wake everyone up despite how grumpy the family usually was in the morning.

Eri quietly opened Dashton's (Dani and Ashton) door. Dani was curled up in their bed with Ashtons muscular arms around her. Oh my god they were so cute. Let me puke on your faces and your cuteness ew, Eri thought.

She secretely thought Ashton was really hot, especially when he was shirtless, but she didn't say anything.

"gOOD MORNING MY BABES TODAY IS A LOVELY DAY I WISH I COULD SAY I MADE PANCAKES BUT I HAVEN'T LOLOL BYE" Eri yelled in their faces and quicky ran out of the room before they could answer. She was great at waking people up.

Marichael (Mari and Michael) was heavy sleepers and usually slept till noon, but Eri was gonna change that.

She stopped for a minute and admired their room, it was so pretty, with band posters and guitars and pizzas and pretty green walls. So punk rock damn.

Mari had accidentally pushed Michael of the bed, and now she'd taken over the bed like the selfish little shit she was.

"GUYS WAKE UP! RISE AND SHINE!" Eri yelled as she put toothpaste on Michael like a mustache.

"Shut up." Mari groaned.

"Oh c'mon" Eri sighed. "BOOBS FOR FREE!"

Michael's head immediately popped up behind the bed.

"Oh fuck you Eri."

Eri giggled like a hyena and ran away before Michael would notice the mustache.

Sheri and Luke's room was next to Marichael's. They had been fighting recently and it worried Eri. They were perfect for eachother.

She heard hushed voices from inside and put her ear against the door.

"You can't keep doing this Sher!" Luke sounded frustrated.

"Yes I fucking ca-"

"You don't need to explain this it's-"

"No Luke, what if I don't love you anymore? We're over! I'm leaving!"

Eri heard muffled sounds before the door opened and Sheri stormed out with a blank expression. Eri stumbled backwards and fell on her butt. Ouch.

Luke came straight after Sheri but he was too late. She had flashed away.

Eri stiffled a laugh. Luke was wearing only pink flowery boxers.

"Nice outfit!" She giggled.

"Not the time Eri." Luke groaned and helped her up from the floor. It was a bit awkward since Luke was half naked.

"Thanks, now what the fuck happened?"

"Sheri she-" Luke's voice cracked. "She left me."

"And I don't think she's coming back"

• • •


where r u at shewi

this was shit lmao bye

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