Chapter 12 - A lot of money (Part 1.)

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Author's POV:
The next morning came and the sun was shining outside. Lucy woke up and saw her beloved boyfriend sleeping peacefully and slightly snoring..

She decided she would go by herself to school to receive the reward from the competition. She slowly got up from bed, trying not to wake up her boyfriend.

She got dressed, made breakfast for Natsu when he'll wake up and wrote him a note, telling him where she was, because, he would worry, then she left her apartment heading to school.

Lucy's POV:
I am now at the school, I just entered the building and went to the principal's office. I knocked at the door, and I entered the room.

There was the principal, my art teacher and Miss Mira (I decided to call her that instead).

"Good morning! Miss Lucy will you please take a seat? The principal asked"
"Good morning and yes. "
"As you already know, you are here to pick up the money given as reward for the art competition held a few days ago. Lucy's teacher said"
"Yes, that is correct."
"I first want to congratulate you, you should know that I am very proud, Lucy. I knew you would be the one who would win. Miss Mirajane, if you please. "
"Absolutely! Here is you money, dear."

Miss Mira gave me an envelope and I picked it up. I put it in my purse and I thanked them. The principal said I can leave and that's what I did.

I left the school and passed by a few shops. Should I maybe just look a little and then go home? I mean, Natsu is probably still sleeping now but he shouldn't worry, right?

I went to a few shops and looked at a few things. A bunch of clothes, shoes, even a few art supplies...Not too fancy though, just perfect for anyone and also not expensive.

I saw a really cute dress at one shop. It was knee length, a light pink and with a cute dark red belt on the waistline. It was really pretty and I liked it a lot. I wonder how much the dress costs.

I also went at the bank, because I want to save all that money for later. I also saw that there were a few more bucks in the account, and I don't mean a few, there was a lot!!! It was probably from my parents. From what I remember of them, they were very rich. I guess they saved the money, probably for me, I don't know really.

I deposited the money in the account. The total was more than $70.000 in there! I guess my parents saved a good amount of money in this account. At least me and Natsu will have money for college and even more in the future.

I know that Natsu has his mother as well that can give him money, but now, as I told him, the money is ours, not mine. And about his family, Natsu and I decided that we should live together. So he moved at my place.

We are truly happy. I also got to know meet his mother, she was totally fine with it. She is really nice and I really got to know her and talk to her about a lot of stuff. I am glad that Natsu has such a great mother.

For me, well, my parents died when I was little. I didn't really get to spend a lot of time with them.. But I know that dad had a huge company and we lived in a mansion, but I left the mansion at 15 years old and got this apartment that me and Natsu live in now. I know that I sold the mansion for only a small price, to get a proper place to live in. I didn't know anything about the money in this bank account until now. They probably saved it for me..Well, it's the least they could do for me.

I was spacing out, some time passed. It was now 11 in the morning. I decided to head home, but I stopped at a market to get some chips and some chocolate.

Natsu's POV:
(Around 09:00 in the morning)

Mhmm... I woke up and reached for my Luce, but she wasn't there. Where is she..? I saw a note on the desk and picked it up.

Good morning! I went to school to pick up the money and I will also put it in my bank account. I didn't want to wake you up. I left breakfast in the kitchen. Don't worry, I will be back soon.
Love you, Lucy❤❤❤

She could've went with me! I guess I will just have to wait...I'm already starting to miss her...Ugh.. I'll just go have breakfast...

(Current time)
Where is she? She had to come back hours ago! And I miss her like crazy now!! I can't stay without my Luce... It feels like she's been gone for hours! I can't wait any longer...

When did she even leave? I had to go with her! Now I miss her a lot... I just watched TV to try to get my mind off of it...She better come back soon, I'm already worrying about her...

That was it for this chapter guys!!!
There will be a part 2 of this!
I want to thank you again for all the support, and also for reaching over 300 reads!!!
Thank you so much and I will see you in the next chapter!!!😊😊😊❤❤❤

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