An Email...

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(Louis' POV)

"OK boys. Grreat rehersal. See you on monday at 9:00am sharp. Have a good weekend," Paul called after our rehersal of the More To Come (A/N: I have made this up as it is 6 years later and they woud have alreaady done their Up All Night, Take e Home and Where We Are tours!). I walked out of room and down all the long corridorsuntil I reached our dressing room. I grabbed my keys, wallet, phone and earphones off of the table and put them in my pocket. "See you Monday boys," I said as I made my way to the door. "C ya Louis!" They all chorused.  I waked out of the room and out of the building towards the carpark. I ulocked my car and sat in the drivers set. I was about to take a 5 hour drive to my home town of Doncaster to spend the weekend with my famiy. 

I turned the keys round which started the engine, turned the radio on and put my foot on the pedal to drive away. I realised I havn't eaten so I pulled into a Petrol Station (A/N: Gas Station if you are American) which was just down the road and grabbed a sandwhich, drink and a bag of crisps. I also filled up my petrol as it is a bit  of a along ourney and i dont want to break down!! 

Once i had bought lunch and had enough petrol, I made my way up to Doncaster. I'm excited about seeing my familyagaiin as I havn't seen them in about 3 months as we have been in America. I havn't been able toskype them as I left my laptop at home and Skype isn't working on myn Phone so I was getting really annoyed! Also, the emails on my phone arn't coming through so I will have to check them when I get home.


I have finally pulled onto my driveway at home. I havn't seen my mum, dan, sisters and brther in ages so i'm excited to see them! I got out of the car and walked up to tthe front door. I unlockde it with my keys andwalked in. Doris then came running up to me (A/N: Remember it is 6 years later so Doris and Ernest are 6 years old) "Louis!" She shouted in her Yorkshier accent as she ran up to me and hugged me. 

"Hey love. Where is everyone else?" I asked her. She pointed to the livingroom and we both walked in. Everyone was in therewatching TV. "Hi everyone," I said. They all got up and walked up to me. I pulledLottie and Fizzy into a hug then Pheobe and Daisy then mum and doris then Dan and Ernest. "If you don't mind, im just gonna go check my emails as I havn't had any in the last 3 months and som are business that i need to rely to," I said. Eveyone nodded and I headed up to m y room. I grabbed my iMac and opened it up. I then got my emails up and opend them up. I replied to afew business ones intil i saw one from an email address I didn't recognise and that wasn't business. It couldn't have been a fan as my emai address has never been given out. Wierd?? I opened it up and it read:

Hello. You probaby won't know who this is so I will tell  you. I'm Emily Jane Calder and yesterday I turned 13. My mum is Eleaanor Calder and my dad is Louis Tomlinson and I think it is you. I got this email address off of the picture you  gave to mum to give to me. There was you phone numer and you email. I thought emailing would be easier. 

If you are  my dad, I miss you and I hope I will see you again. I don't like not having a dad and it is wiered when people at school talk about their dad and I can't talk about mine. I know quite a lot about you as you are in a world famous boyband. To be honest, I LOVE One Direction's music. It is so good. My favourite song is Diana because it is like me with all of my insecurities. 1D make me smile when I getbullied at school.  I don't kniw why you left and I don't understand why you did. If you can let me know that would  be great.

I hope to see you again dad and I miss you. Say helloto Uncle Harry, Uncle, Niall, Uncle Liam and Uncle Zayn and tell them that I miss them aswell. See you soon.

Emily x

It was mydaughter Emily. Wow, she has grown up quickly. Already 13. I wonder where she is now. She said she loves OneDirection and wants to see me again. She also wants t know why I left! Oh no! I thought about it and replied to my daughter.

Dear Emily,

Thank you for emailing and Happy Birhday. I hope you had a good day. I do remember you. How could I forget. I'm glad you like our music. I like Diana too, it is one of my favourites. I miss you too but unfortunately i'm not allowed to tell you why I left. Ask yourmum she will tel you. I hope to see you again and remember. I LOVE YOU DARING.

Love Dad xx

After I had typed it all out I pressed


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