One - Hogwarts

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Pandora's POV

September 1st, 1975, 6:30

"PAN!! Wake up,we've got to get to King's Cross by 10:30!! I've made breakfast, your favorite!!" I groaned, but got up anyways because Mum made my favorite breakfast.

"Coming, Mum!!" I said, getting my leggings on along with my t-shirt. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I brushed out my long, auburn hair. Lily Evans, one of my best friends always told me that we were twins because of our auburn hair. I put it in a ponytail, not really caring about it. I washed my face, and ran out my door, running down the stairs.

I gave my mum a hug and took my plate and tea. She made me waffles with blueberries in them, I added syrup and began to eat, sipping my peppermint tea. I looked at the daily prophet, and nothing new happened. Evelyn, my other best friend, and the only one that's in my house at Hogwarts, wrote me all summer along with Lily. Lily had a pretty normal summer, but Evelyn and her family went to America on vacation. She said it was nice there, but she liked her home better. I've never been to America, but it seemed pretty interesting. I finished my waffles and put on some comfortable joggers, knowing that if I put on anything else, my feet would die.

I ran upstairs and got my trunk and my owl named Delta. He was a good owl, and my mum got him for me in my 3rd year, because I didn't want an ugly and slimy toad. I grabbed my jacket just in case I got cold on the train. After all, it was a long ride. The train leaves at 11 AM and gets to Hogwarts at 7 or 8 PM.

I woke up from my thirty second daydream and ran downstairs, my Mum waiting at the door. "Hey Mum, can I have some money for the train trolley?"

She shook her head, "Why can't you pay for it?" I gave her my puppy eyes. Mum sighed. "Fine." I smiled.

"Thanks Mum! You're the best!"

She gave me enough for two or three treats, which was a good deal, because I usually don't get to eat sugar, but I have Evelyn and Lily smuggle some to me via owl. I was very sneaky. I smiled to myself.

"What are you smiling about?" My Mum asked, helping me put my trunk in our muggle car.

"Oh, nothing," I said inconspicuously. I walked to my side of the car, getting in and sitting down. Mum and I lived in Guildford, a muggle town that was an hour's drive to King's Cross. It was full of nice two story cottage houses like my own, and ancient buildings. Mum went down the road, and I was leaving once again. I loved Hogwarts so much.


"Bye Mum!" I said, hugging her.

"Stay safe, Pan. I love you." I smiled at her.

"I love you too!" I grabbed my trunk off the ground and walked onto the train. I saw some familiar faces in one compartment. "Hey James, Remus, Peter, and Snuffles!" I said, smirking at Sirius.

"Hi Maddie!" James and Remus said to me. Peter just smiled as a hello.

"Hey Lynn," Sirius said, obviously in distaste to that nickname.

"Good holiday?" I asked. They all nodded, which meant that Sirius probably went to James every day but was forced to come home every night.

"Well, Lily and Evelyn are probably wondering where I am, so I'll be on my way," I said but continued in a quiet voice, "See you inside Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs." I smiled at them.

"Bye Jagpaw," they all said with a smile. I made my way down the train, looking for Lily and Evelyn.

At last I saw the bright green eyes that I remembered and immediately ran towards them,

"Lily!! Eve!!" I gave them both huge hugs. I made Evelyn tell me about her whole summer, and the three of us talked and gossiped for a little while, but we're interrupted by the trolley lady.

"Anythin' you want, misses?" she asked us.

Evelyn shook her head, but I answered, "Three chocolate frogs, please." The old woman nods as she grabs them, and I hand her my coins. "Here," I say as I hand each of the girls a frog.

Both of them take them, "You didn't have to," Lily says, and Eve nods.

We're all interrupted when Snape comes in, and greets Lily. "Alexanders, Williams," Snape says with a sneer.

"Snivellus," I grunt, and Lily slaps my shoulder.

"Dora! Don't call him that," Lily says in an accusatory tone. I give her a 'What?' look as Snape mutters something and turn away with a little twist of his robes, shutting the compartment door. Lily sighs and leans back in the seat, grabbing one her many books and reading it.

When the windows stream not light, but darkness, I see the castle come into view and start feeling that unique feeling of Hogwarts. I wrap my cloak over me, the one that bears the crest of the mighty Ravenclaw house. Eve glances out the window, the gold flecks in her hazel eyes shining brightly.

"You know, Lily, I sometimes wish Pan and I were in Gryffindor. Or you in Ravenclaw. That way we could all be together," Eve sighs, blonde hair covering her face.

"Don't we spend enough time together?" I state, receiving a glare from Lily, "I'm just kidding!" Lily expression softens and nods, replying to Eve.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Eve and I sit next to each other at the Ravenclaw table, the first years already sorted and the feast laid upon the tabletops. I look over at the Marauders, and see them hunched over something at the table. They must be planning something. I just know it. But they can't do it without me. I'm the brains to every prank, every plan. I foolproof everything so that the prank is successful.

Nobody knows that the four of them are called the Marauders except themselves. Except me, at least. I guess you could call me the Fifth Marauder. The reason why they refer to me as a 'secret' or 'hidden' marauder is because I never agreed to deal with the consequences of the pranks. The detention, the points taken away. So we all told each other that I would plan them, but not participate or take credit for it. That plan will crumble without me, but I'm sure they'll meet with me later.

When Eve and I get to the dormitories, we set our bags down, get changed, and as soon as I lay in bed, I fall asleep.

- -

hi everyone! this was done on a spur of the moment decision, so here you go I guess. i've had this story for like two years, and i don't want to be that annoying person who has a huge AN, so they'll probably be a few sentences long. hope you enjoy!

-tashi :)

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