Ten - Christmas Holidays

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December 23rd-25th, 1975

3rd POV

The ride home from Hogwarts to King's Cross Station wasn't eventful in the slightest. When the train stopped, Pandora was the first one to get off, bidding each of her a friends a goodbye in the boxcar. She gave Lily and Evelyn tight hugs, nearly leaving them gasping for air. Pandora leaned over each of the Marauders, giving them a peck on the cheek, with James wiping his face after, Sirius grinning stupidly, Remus laughing, and Peter as red as Lily's hair.

Pandora's mother stood stick straight near a column at the station, holding her purse in front of her with two hands. Her mousy brown hair was tied up in a twist and she eagerly waited for her daughter to come home. Hogwarts had been a lifesaver for her, taking care of her child. Being a single mother and all, she was so grateful to have the help. She separated from her husband after being sick of him coming home every night drunk. He stumbled over himself and passed on the couch, smelling horribly of firewhisky. Nevertheless, she missed her daughter and nearly fell over herself when she saw how tall she had gotten over the few months, and squeezed her tightly running a hand over her auburn hair and taking in the scent of lavender.

"Oh, Dora, how I've missed you," She gave her a kiss on the head and embraced her once again.

"Hi, Mum," was all Pandora said, her voice being muffled by her face in her shirt.

They began their journey home in the muggle car, on their way to the the muggle town of Guildford. It was a historical town, with a castle right in the middle of it. When the two-story cottage appeared in sight, Pandora plastered a big smile on her face. She was going to have a good Christmas, away from the stress of school and mixed feelings of friends.

The fifteen-year-old stepped out of the car and into her home, which smelled of gingerbread. She hurried up to her room, setting down her trunk and her owl, who squeaked at the way she put him down with a big thud. Pandora was happy, and that was all she wanted at that moment.

- - -

The Black Household was not warm or welcoming in the slightest. It was in fact, the exact opposite. The harshly painted dark walls and dim lighting made Sirius wish to go back to Hogwarts as he sat in his room with his door shut and most certainly locked.

His parents were fussing over their dear Regulus downstairs, celebrating Christmas. Sirius thought it was funny how three wretched and most unholy people celebrated this religious holiday as he sat against his wall, looking at photos of his friends with himself in his real home. The old photo album was tattered and decorated with the colours of the mighty lion house, Gryffindor. His house made him feel rebellious, in a way, since all of his family had been Slytherins. Sirius flipped to the first page, a picture of eleven year-old him and James grinning at the camera, nudging each other and laughing. The second photo was of Pandora, who was looking thoughtfully over the Marauders Map. She couldn't have been any older than thirteen in this photo, and she turned her head to push the camera out of her face.

Just as Sirius began to daydream of her, his phone plastered on the wall began to ring. He knew it would be James, because no other wizard really owned a telephone other than him and Sirius. He hopped up from the floor and answered it, "'Ello Prongsie!"


"Shut up! What do you want?"

"Come over and join me for Christmas, won't you?"

"I'll be over in twenty."

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In an empty tavern near Hogsmeade Village, a man with short auburn hair and a stubbly chin was sitting across from a lady with dark twisted curls and a crooked smile. She wore all black, the same as him, and had a tattoo peeking out of the sleeve of her shirt. The two were whispering, and all that could be heard were the words, "-would love to have you with us."

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