Twelve - Duels and Detentions

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January 20th, 1976, 5:15 PM

3rd POV

Cheers coursed through the Quidditch Stadium as Pandora laced up her black combat boots she wore almost everywhere. The Ravenclaw locker room was abuzz as they were going to advance if they won their match against Slytherin. Somehow, the team managed to get back into the game even though they beat them last time. Pandora wasn't fond of Slytherins, being that they always played dirty. She looked prepared, though, as she sat on the bench in front of the mirror, she wore her Quidditch Uniform that sparkled with navy blue and bronze. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a long french braid, and her violet eyes glistened with ambition.

"Alright, everyone! We have a few minutes to be out on the pitch, so grab your brooms," said the team captain, Kaden Abbey. His jet black hair was longer on one side and fell that way, and he stood like confidence was coursing through his veins. Pandora wasn't scared of him, much like the younger kids, and so she stood up and grabbed her broom, a smile on her face.

"Welcome, Hogwarts students and staff to the Quidditch House Cup Semi-Finals! Whichever team wins," the commentator added, "Will be playing against Gryffindor in the Finals!" Several of the Hufflepuff stands looked disappointed at their loss but continued to respectfully clap. Pandora readied her broom as Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and she bursted off to the Quidditch Hoops.

She deflected several quaffles coming her way and often had to dive for each of them. The Slytherin Chasers had become quicker, and seemed more vicious with the cold weather they were playing in. Collin Carter wanted to get back at Pandora for the way she almost got him in trouble the other day, and he could be seen gripping his bat tighter, his knuckles turning whiter by the second.

His muttered under his breath, "Take this, Alexanders," and hit an oncoming bludger right towards her. She didn't seem to notice until the bludger was nearly inches away from her, and it hit her foot with such force that it sent her flying off of it, leaving it floating in the air. Students around the arena gasped as her pace towards the ground was quickening. Madam Hooch yelled at the other Professors to help her catch the poor girl and her friends in the stands were screaming her name but couldn't do anything to help. Professor McGonagall's cat-like eyes widened to saucers and she grabbed Dumbledore's arm just in time to apparate to the pitch and catch Pandora seconds before she hit the ground.

Hot tears began to stream across her face as her ankle turned blue and purple, and Dumbledore exclaimed, "Minerva, take her to Madame Pomfrey at once! She can't be in much more pain or she will faint." Dumbledore gazed at the redhead with his half-moon spectacles, and spoke to Madam Hooch, adding, "Bring a substitute in for her and resume the game. Others should visit her after."

Sirius, back in the Gryffindor Stands, began to get up to run down onto the pitch, but Lily caught his arm, "Don't, Sirius! Pan will be taken care of and as much as it hurts me to see her hurt, you could get hit by a bludger on the field!" Sirius sighed, wanting to go, but sat back down next to Remus, who looked like all the color had drained from his face.

~Pandora's POV~

"Thank you, Madame Pomfrey," I whispered as she bandaged my leg. I preferred not to have her enchant my leg just for today, even though I'm not sure why.

She sighed and walked to other students around the wing, "You're welcome, Miss Alexanders, but you must come before your classes tomorrow so I can fix it up." I nodded, and grabbed the crutches next to my bedside, as she was letting me go. I didn't even know who won the game yet, but I was sure that Carter sent me that bludger, and it was for sure not an accident.

- - -

"Lynn, you can't practice, just sit on the couch." Sirius had his wand in his hand, and the rest of the Marauders seemed to agree, but I would not be weak. I wanted to practice, so I can wipe that smirk off of Carter's face. And Ravenclaw still won after I left, so I didn't have to deal with him in our games.

I shrug, and stand up, gathering my crutches, "Well, it's not your problem." I flicked out my wand with my other hand, "Expelliarmus!" James' wand flew out of his grasp.

He ran a hand through his messy hair, picking up his wand from the ground, "Oh, so that's how you want to play? Let's go, Alexanders!" And so we dueled, we dueled until we couldn't carry on.

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we love a throbbing queen

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