Five - The Full Moon

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Pandora's POV

October 3rd, 1975, 12:15 PM/11:50 PM

I was walking down one of the many Hogwarts corridors before Remus and Lily walked up to me.

"Can we join you?" Lily asks.

"Of course, why is that even a question?" I reply to the two of them.

"I dunno," Remus says as we all walk in unison to DADA.

Lily begins to talk about the latest book she was reading, but was rudely interrupted by James. I look over at Remus when I see his face the slightest bit angry, which leaves me confused.

"OI! Lils! GO OUT WITH ME!" James screams, receiving several looks from Professors walking around the corridors.

"No! I will never go out with you, even if you wised up and stopped acting like a total smartass!"

I guffaw at that comment and run a hand through my auburn hair, trying to make it look at least presentable.

I take a seat next to Sirius in the classroom, and the Professor reaches the front of the classroom, trying to rile down the students. I grab my quill and textbook from my bag, and begin listening to the lesson.

Halfway through the lesson, I have a full page of notes and a finished assignment, so I grab a book. A hand reaches for it and looks at the title. "Since when have you ever been interested in what I am reading, or reading in general, for that matter?" I ask Sirius.

"I'm just curious," Sirius says, and then closes the book, and hands it back to me. I feel his finger touch mine for a second, and I recoil from contact. Sirius seems to do the same, so I throw any assumptions away and just continue reading. At last, class is dismissed, and I get up from seat to join Lily who is scrambling to get her supplies back into her bag.

As the slew of students coming from noon classes piles the hall for lunch, I see Remus bumping his way through everyone to get back to Lily and me. He's always favored us in a different way than the other Marauders, and I think he enjoys the fact that Lily is oblivious to our situation and his 'wolf problem.' Plus, he's glad to have some other intellectuals in a conversation besides those blokes known as James and Sirius who have brains the size of peas.

"Hey, Remus," I smile to him, and he runs a hand through his butterscotch brown hair, adjusting his tie as he pulls his books closer to him.

"Hi, Pan," he puts his hand into his coat pocket, and pulls out a crumpled, metallic wrapper that holds something inside, "Chocolate?" He smiles, knowing that I can't resist.

"Thanks," I grab a little a square of it, and so does Lily, "You always have the best chocolate," I laugh, and we clamber down the long steps and into the Great Hall, which was already getting ready for Hallow's Eve season by it's darker lighting.

I hastily pluck an apple from the basket on the table as I sit down next to Eve. She's frantically scribbling on a piece of parchment and her quill scratches the paper with such intensity that it makes my ears hurt. I pull my coat closer to me and fling my braided auburn hair behind me, as it was starting to give me a headache.

"What're you doing?" I question, taking a bite of my apple. Eve's golden-hazel eyes meet mine, and I see an irritated and hostile expression plastered all over her face.

"McGonagall gave me detention this evening!" I was confused by her statement, because McGonagall had her favorite students, which were Eve and Lily.

"Why in the hell would she give you detention?" I ask, bewildered.

"Because that bloody idiot Carter was talking horrible about you and I said some not nice things about his dark side-sympathizer father. McGonagall overheard and took ten points away from both of us, but only gave me detention! Seriously, he deser-"

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