Twenty - Pandora's Birthday

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Pandora's POV

April 2nd, 1976, 9:30 AM & 7:50 PM

I haven't spoken to Remus or Sirius since they both kissed me. I know. I'm terrible. But I don't know what to think, I mean, I didn't really see both of those coming. And so now, I'm here sulking in my bed on my sixteenth birthday. I flipped over and screamed into my pillow in my empty common room. In nearly two minutes, my ears got assaulted.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Lily and Evelyn ran into my room, flinging themselves onto me. They both bursted into fits of giggles as I pushed them off me.

"Bloody hell," I groaned. After stretching, I sat up and pulled my feet over the navy blue covers. Then, I noticed Eve and Lily rifling through my closet. "What are you doing?"

Lily turned, smiling at me as she flipped back around. "Looking for an amazing outfit to wear for your sixteenth birthday, of course." She kept saying 'no' for each of them. "God, Pan," She groaned, "All you wear are sports clothes."

"Yes, Lily, because I like sports clothes." Evelyn snickered and turned to my cabinets, looking for God knows what.

Eve turned, laughing, "Okay, let me grab something from my closet," she turned to the other side of the room. And out she emerged with a pair of boots, a black leather jacket, and a stunning black dress.

"Merlin's beard, Evelyn, that's beautiful," Lily gushed.

Eve looked proud of her work, "Well, try it on!"

- - -

"Pan! The boys are here!" Evelyn called from downstairs. Lily screamed back that we were coming as she put the last touches on hair. It was gorgeously braided into a crown on my head, with the rest flowing down.

As we got up, I thanked her, but then she interrupted, "Is something going on between you and Remus?"

"What? L-Lily, that's crazy," I responded.

She narrowed her eyes, "You're lying."

"Am not."

"Yes, Pan, you are. You always grit your teeth after you lie. So there is something going on."


"HOLD ON, EVELYN!" Lily screamed right back. "Tell me. Right now."

I groaned, "Ugh, Lily, it's not just Remus. It's Sirius. They both kissed me."

"THEY WH-" I closed her mouth with my hands, her eyes startled behind them.

"Scream a little louder, won't you?" I looked around me, even though no one was there, "I don't know what to do. Who do I like? I'm not sure, they're my best friends, I don't want to hurt them."

"Well," she replied, "Don't do anything stupid tonight, and make sure you think really hard." And with that, we went downstairs. The Marauders were sitting on the couch, all of them eating snacks.

Evelyn turned, "Finally. Took you long enough," She got up from the couch, "You look stunning, Dora," she gave me a hug and motioned to the presents on the table.

"You guys didn't need to get me presents," I gushed, smiling to all of them. Peter turned red, fiddling with his scarf. Lily sat next to James, and I eyed her. What happened between them?

Sirius sat back against the couch, "We wanted to." I grinned and grabbed a medium sized box with silver wrapping and a lavender bow.

"That's mine," Evelyn smiled, her eyes shining. I thanked her as I opened it. Inside were my favorite chocolates, a Ravenclaw colored sweater, and some amazing, break-resistant Quidditch goggles.

"This is so sweet," I once again thanked her. As the night went on, Peter got me a leather journal, knowing I filled mine out. James got me my favorite band's record, and Lily got me new stationery for classes.

The next present was Sirius'. His was small, and was in a purple box. As I opened the box, I saw a gleam of gold and realised it was a gold chain with a stunning pearl on it. "Oh my," I took it out to look at it closely, "Thank you, Sirius. I'm serious, it's amazing," I couldn't contain my laughter at the pun.

"Oh, I hate you for that," he answered, and everyone laughed.

I opened Remus' next, reaching for another small box. Inside of it were amazing handcarved wooden pens, and a stunning beaded bracelet. "Look at the side of the bracelet," Remus smiled as I saw the large bead on it, "See that bump?" I nodded as he took out his wand, "Revelare," he said the incantation as it opened, showing an empty inside. Adding, he said, "You can hide anything you want in it." I thanked him and gave him a hug, sitting back down.

As the night ended, I sat in the edge of the common room, the fire crackling in front of me. Sirius approached me, "Hi, Lynn." He sat down next to me.

"Hey," I replied.

He turned his head to the rest of our friends dancing, "I've been thinking about you, and what I said. And I just want to let you know that I've felt this way a long time, and-"

"Padfoot," He looked at me with hurt in his eyes, "I don't want to bring pain to anyone, but I've got to sort out my own feelings before I give them to someone else. I'm sorry."

He brushed it off as if my rejection was nothing, "No, no, no, it's fine, Pandora." I cringed at him using my actual name, "You know, I'm just gonna go over to James." Before I could say anything else he left me. What mess have I gotten myself into?

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yikes pan is in some real shit

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