Chapter 25

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Jungkook came to Jin's house again after like one or two weeks of doing this but the answer he will get over the past two weeks were "he's sleeping" Or "he's in bed resting" Or "he's taking a nap maybe tomorrow".

Jungkook had enough of these excuses. So as soon as Jin opened the door Jungkook would push passed Jin and look for Yoongi and take him out to the Amusement Park.... And that's exactly what Jungkook did except the Amusement Park part...

Once Jungkook was inside he saw Yoongi on the couch with a blanket over himself. Jungkook put his hand over the blanket and gripped it.
That's when Jimin came and tackled Jungkook to the ground making Jungkook pull the blanket down with him... And revealed a boy with black cat ears and a black cat tail.

"W-Wha- JUNGKOOK!?" Yoongi said while hiding his cat ears and tail.

"Yoongi!? How?! But?! What?! When?! Ho-" Jungkook had no words. And that's when Jimin grabbed the blanket and pulled it over Jungkook blocking his view of Yoongi and was pushed out of the house.

Back inside of the house...

Yoongi had his legs close to his chest and his head laying on his arms almost curled up in a ball and Yoongi was sobbing heavily.

"Yoongi it's okay... He probably though it was in his imagination" Jin said.

(Nah... Right now... Jungkook was rethinking everything and was debating if he should stop watching cat people animes)

"Yes Yoongi!"
"P-Please K-Kill me... It's killing me... I don't want t-to live l-like th-this..."

*wink wink* get it Killing me ikon... I'll stop now...

"Yoongi no! Don't think like that its unhealthy please don't say those things!" Jin said heartbroken by what Yoongi was asking for. Yoongi then started sobbing harder. Then both Jin and Jimin sat next to Yoongi and hugged him with tears rolling down their cheeks... Soon the three boys fell asleep hugging one another.

Jungkook POV

"W-What did I just witnessed?!" Jungkook thought to himself while he drove home.
"D-Did Yoongi have Cat ears and a cat tail?!" Jungkook was screaming internally while entering his house and closef the door.

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