Chapter 34

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Yoongi woke up the next day and looked around the room while laying down and snuggled into his blanket more until... He felt an arm around him. Yoongi ignored it and tried to go back to sleep again but couldn't because... He was being pulled closer to the person that was hugging him. Yoongi opened his eyes to see that he was being pulled closer to Taehyung's chest... His bare naked chest. Yoongi's eyes twiched. "Taehyung" Yoongi said. "Taehyung!" Yoongi said again. Then Yoongi remembered that Taehyung wouldn't even wake up if you put cold water on him. "Ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuck meeeee!" Yoongi yelled as he was so gonna die. Then Yoongi's face was on Taehyung chest and Taehyung brought Yoongi on top of his body. "Oh my god!  JIN!" Yoongi yelled. "Oh my god Taehyung... Please don't do this" Yoongi said. "JIN!" Yoongi yelled while Taehyung hand was going down Yoongi's back. "What tha fuck are you dreaming?!" Yoongi yelled with panic. "Jesus JIN HELP ME!" Yoongi yelled and Jin came tiredly into the room. "Wha- tha hell" Jin said and walked over to Yoongi. "Oh god I know what he's dreaming about now!" Yoongi said. "What is it?" Jin asked. "He has a fucken boner Jin!  God help me out of this get me out of his fucken hold before anything else happens!" Yoongi yelled. Jin grabbed Yoongi and tried to pull him away from Taehyung... But that made Taehyung moan. "Oh god!" Yoongi said while trying to push Taehyung away. That's when Jin pulled Yoongi with force and they both fell to the floor. "Oh my god!  I though I was going to die" Yoongi said and Jin laughed. Jin helped Yoongi stand up. "Try sleeping on the couch instead for now" Jin said and Yoongi nodded and walked into the living room and fell on the couch and went to sleep.

-time skip-

Yoongi was still asleep on the couch while Jin laid his head on another couch watching TV when Jimin came into the room. "Hey Jin" Jimin said softly. "Hey" Jin replied. Then Jimin threw his whole body of to the couch that Yoongi was asleep on and fell onto Yoongi's body especially his stomach by accident.
"Ah-Wha-Tha-Fuc-" Yoongi tried to yell out but didn't have oxygen in him because Jimin squished all of Yoongi's air out when he fell on him. Jimin quickly stood up and helped Yoongi up but due to pain and low oxygen Yoongi held his stomach and tried to breath again. Jin got something and fanned Yoongi while Jimin tried calming Yoongi down and helped his breath again.

-time skip-

Once Yoongi was okay again Yoongi turned to face Jimin. "You better make it up to me to say 'sorry for throwing my whole fucken fuck body onto your sleepy ass' " Yoongi said while holding his stomach. Jimin nodded his head trying to hold in his laugh. "Are you hungry?" Jin asked. Yoongi looked up and glared at Jin " I don't think I would be able to eat for three fucken months!" Yoongi said. Jin couldn't help but start laughing at Yoongi because when Yoongi would try to be serious he would always look so cute. "Hey!  Stop laughing" Yoongi said trying to look mad. " sorry" Jin said while Hugging Yoongi.

"I feel like we forgot to say bye to someone before we left"
"Um... Hmmm... No I think we said bye to everyone" Jin said confused. "Oh okay then" Yoongi said and grabbed his phone from the small table and sat back down with Jin.

-time skip-

Soon Taehyung woke up and saw Jin and Yoongi sleeping on the couch. Jin was sitting down with Yoongi head on his lap. Taehyung smiled. "Did I sleep long?" Taehyung asked Jimin who was on his phone on the other couch. "Hmm... I don't know but it was a long time" Jimin said not looking away from his phone. "Wow that was some description Jimin" Taehyung said and was walking to the bathroom u til Jimin threw a couch pillow at Taehyung. Taehyung grabbed the pillow and threw it back at Jimin before Taehyung went into the bathroom and locked the door.

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