I suck at titles

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((sorry I suck at titles so if you request a one shot, could you say a title too?))

High School AU

Lance POV

"So who is this mystery boy you keep talking about?" Hunk said grinning. We were having a sleepover at his place. We were sitting in his room talking about random crap over cookies.

"Oh? Him? His name is Keith, he has raven black hair, sparkling purple eyes, is constantly in a bad mood. Like seriously how emo can this guy get? It's just so annoying how he's perfect at EVERYTHING! And he's even Shiro's favorite, they're like inseparable!" I groaned back at him.

"So basically, you've got a crush on an emo boy?" Pidge said, entering the room taking a bite out of a cookie she grabbed. "WHAT NO! I HATE THIS GUY!" I screamed in return. "You just gushed about his "raven back hair and sparkling purple eyes" sounds lovesick to me!' Pidge retorted raising an eyebrow as they sat down neck to Hunk.

"Sounds like it to me too man." Hunk said reaching for another cookie. "No! You guys have it all wrong! Sure he has a pretty face, and eyes... OH CRAP I'VE GOT A CRUSH ON THIS GUY!" I belted out quickly.

"No dip Sherlock." Pidge said fiddling with their phone, probably trying to hack into the government or something. "Dude!" I whined at Pidge, "Are you trying to hack the government, agaIN? I told you not to do it at my house!"

"Pfft, no. I just had to give a tour around school today and now I have  new friends!" Pidge said back glaring at me. "Oh really? Then who?" I said back raising my eyebrow. "This girl named Whitney, and her friend Elexa. Their both weirdos, Whitney is obsessed with musicals and Elexa is just well, Elexa." Pidge said laying backwards onto Hunk's bed.

"Well we'll have to meet them then!" Hunk said, going up to grab more cookies. "Oh yeah! But wait! There's more!" Pidge started preventing Hunk from getting more cookies. "They both hang out with Keith a lot, they were sitting with him at lunch." Pidge finished out flatly.

I gasped, "THAT'S WHERE YOU WERE AT LUNCH!" "Yeah, how do you think I got their numbers?" Pidge replied obviously waiting for me to think about the obvious, "WAIT YOU ATE LUNCH WITH KEITH TOO?!" I then screamed to my realization.

Hunk, then obviously done with my Bisexual problems. Went out the room to grab more cookies. While I continued to question Pidge.

"Did he look gay, bi, pan, straight?" I questioned.

"Oh my gods Lance shut uppp" Pidge said back.

"Just answer the question." I piped back.

"He seemed gay, didn't look back at the girls who winked at him." 

"wait, giRLS WINK AT HIM?!"

"Yes Sherlock, oh look Watson's back" Pidge finished as Hunk returned into the room.

"Brought more cookies!" He said setting down the tray in front of us. His smile lighting up the room. "Thanks bud!" I said cheerfully, grabbing a cookie before a night of video games and talking began.

-time skip to next morning-

I woke up groggily on the floor in Hunk's room. Sure I needed my comfortable beauty sleep but hey! I'm not gonna intrude in Hunk's house that much. 

"Good morning Lance!" I heard a cheery voice as I stepped into the Kitchen. There Hunk was, baking bacon and pancakes for breakfast. "Hey Hunk." I replied grudgingly poring myself a cup of coffee that hunk had already made. Grabbing out all the sweeteners one can think of and pouring them into the cup; I had made coffee that didn't even taste like coffee.

"Hnnnnng," was all I heard as a very unhappy looking Pidge stepped through the doorway stealing my coffee. "Hey!" I yelled hoping for her to give back my caffeine. "I need this more than you." They said sipping my coffee right in front of me.

-time skip to when they get to school because laziness-

I bounced into school with a pep in my step. Sure it seemed weird to think about it, but still. Today was the day that I was going to face Keith. Well sort of... I was going to meet with the girls that ate at lunch with him, Whitney and Elexa. Then if I get enough courage, put a note in his locker. 

"There they are." Pidge said pointing to a girl with short white hair (what even is your hair elexa?) and a dirty blonde with freckles. They waved at Pidge and continued on with their discussion.

"Go over there and say hi! You have to start somewhere!" Pidge continued pushing me in their direction.

"pfft, George Salzar is a blessed human being Elexa." Whitney said looking very shocked at Elexa.

"I know I know," Elexa said nodding her head to whatever the freckled girl said. 

"Uh, hey!" Lance said to the two girls, as hey waved and ran up to them.

"hEy!" Whitney said in return doing weird finger guns, "Whitney no stop, you use finger guns too much." Elexa said at her shoving down her finger guns, " I wIll lIVe bY tHe lAwS oF jAiDeN aNiMaTiOnS!" Whitney screamed throwing around her hands.

Elexa facepalmed before looking back at me, "Hey, I'm Elexa and this is Whitney." She said pointing to the girl who was still waving around her hands making a commotion. "Uh, I'm Lance!" I said after them putting my hand out to shake. They both shook my hand and Whitney somehow dragged me into her conversation about musicals. 

"I KnOw! But The TLT musical Elexa!" She screamed. I gasped. She was into Percy Jackson too?! (Headcannon Lance is big PJO Nerd)

"YES GEORGE SALZAR IS PERFECT GROVER!" I screamed at her. "I KNOW RIGHT!?" She replied jumping up and down.  We soon continued talking about musicals and how George Salzar is an amazing man.

That's when a certain black mullet showed up. 

"Hey Elexa, hey Whitney." Keith said cooly walking up to the two girls. "So I see you've met Lance." He continued looking up at me. Whitney then started choking and fell to the ground while Elexa just rolled her eyes. I was so confused, why was she choking and making pterodactyl noises? 

Whitney POV




Keith POV

Crap, Whitney realizes this is the guy I talked about

Elexa POV

haha, Whitney's dying

I ship this.

(End of part one, please tell me if you liked it! 1085 words)

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