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Chapter: Four.

Forty-five minutes later into the woods. Jameson came to a clearing that has a huge oak tree right in the middle. That was about the most beautiful thing Jameson has ever seen in his life and at that moment he made a decision. He would turn this oak tree into his very own treehouse.

A beautiful place to run off to and the best place to avoid people and their stupidity.

This was in the middle of the forest and it could take forever for anyone to find this place, to even know someone lives up there.

Six months was all it took for Jameson to complete his building. He made a smooth field clearing around the treehouse and then built a little fence around it. When his house was ready Jameson stole black paints from different neighbors garage to paint his treehouse black, and at night the tree's image looked like a shadow, one can hardly see a thing. Black and red been his favorite colors, Jameson stole everything he had in the small house. From the single sofa and the flat-screen TV down to his small soft mattress. The smooth red rug and the lights inside the treehouse. The place was cozy warm and beautiful.

And it was all his.

This is his home and he might as well move in for good.

But not after he has taken care of business.


Jameson worked at old man Donald's book store. He has no idea why the man still owns a store being deaf and old. Jameson has worked for the man as long as he could remember.

He has had trouble keeping jobs since all his employees tend to poke their noses into his business too much.

The last person he has worked with is now living in the Asylum. The man was diagnosed with acute madness. Thanks to Jameson. The man just didn't know when to shut the fuck up.

Jameson has worked with Old man Donald for such a long time and they have gotten along swell, it could also be to the fact that the man neither speaks nor hears, and Jameson is the last person on earth to learn sign language for anyone.

So far so good he's enjoyed working there, since most days not a single soul comes into the book store and even if anyone ever did, it would be an old folk like his employee. Jameson hates the sight of old people. He hates almost everyone.

Why wouldn't he?

Anyone who has been through what he went through would hate people as much as he did.

His family had deserted him since he was a child and he has been looking after himself since he was a teenager.

He went to school on the days he chooses to go and went where ever he wants on the days he didn't wish to go to school.


"Jameson, honey do you mind looking around for billy for me, please?!" Old Lady Stella spoke once she caught sight of the sixteen years old.

Jameson was coming back from work, tired and exhausted, the least he needed right now is doing some old hag a favor. Jameson doesn't do favors. He is no ones, errand boy. He ignored the woman and walked on, but she didn't stop there.

"James-" The woman stopped when she saw Jameson walking towards her, anger burning in his brown eyes as he came closer to the white-haired woman. Her wrinkled eyes peering at him from the oversized glasses she wore.  Once Jameson came face to face with the woman she dares smile up at him.

Jameson was beyond furious. "Don't you ever fucking call me that name again or I might just help you die quicker than you think old hag!" Jameson seethed, both hands digging into the horrified woman's neck. "Do you understand me?!" Jameson sounded like death itself and the horrified woman whimpered in fear.

"S-sorry sunny-" The terrified woman cried out when she felt Jameson's nails digging into her weak skin.

"I am not your son!" Jameson pressed tightly on her neck and the woman choked on air as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Finally, Jameson released his death grip on the woman's neck and she fell into the grass coughing and choking, tears spilling off her eyes. Jameson went on his knees to look into the old woman's eyes. She moved back a bit but stopped when Jameson raised her head up by the chin to meet his eyes.

"I do not care about your useless cat. You lost him. You find him." Jameson smoothened her ugly oversized gown and then walked away from her, to his own private hell hole.

Jameson lived in the storehouse at the back of the main house. He has been living out there since the day he turned Eleven and had run out of the house.

Running away for dear life, before they eventually kill him as they have always wanted.



Have fun my lovelies.

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