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Chapter: Twelve.


Jackson sat frozen on his seat, his wet eyes wandering between father, mother, brother, and sister who kept giving him a hate-filled glare. Jackson swallowed anxiously as he waited for them to speak.

Has his confession of being gay finally struck them all dumb?

The way he felt at that very moment could never be described with words. If the grounds could open up under his feet right now Jackson was certain he would be jumping into the dark hole before his parents recovered and say something that might just kill him.

Jackson has waited twenty years of his life to tell them this secret he's had to live with for so many years. He came from a really annoying religious family and he couldn't help but hate how backward they think when it comes to one's sexuality.

This is what he has been avoiding for years, the reason why he's still stuck in the closet.

He knew they wouldn't react to this news kindly and he has made a great mistake by telling.

Jackson felt in his heart that since they were his family and all that he had, that maybe just maybe they would accept him. If not all of them but some.

They all kept staring at him as if they want him to disappear from their presence completely.

Jackson kept his cool, trying miserably to stay calm but who was he fooling even his breathings is anything but calm, he could hear his heart beating in his ears.

The silence that has befallen them could kill a soul.

"You can't be serious!" His sister yelled.

Jackson was eased that someone had spoken.

"I don't think he means that. You're just messing with us right bro?" This time it was his brother who had spoken.

Jackson's mind went a mile a minute as he tried to figure out what his siblings were getting at. They wanted him to pretend it was all a bad prank played to fool his parents. That wasn't a bad idea seeing the condition he was in right now and it would do him a whole lot of good if he just played along with them and this matter would never be addressed ever again.

Yet Jackson couldn't get himself to do that.

This is true.

This is who he was.

If they won't accept, wouldn't it be better he knew now than later?

What's the point in taking a word you've already spoken back, especially when such words are true.

Jackson didn't see the point to keep on living a life filled with lies before the eyes of his family just so they would accept him.

So he didn't agree with their games.

"No. It's not a joke Jeremy." Jackson stared at his brother. He was only six months old when his mother got pregnant with Jeremy so they are practically twins since they look so much alike and the age difference between them wasn't much, unlike their baby sister Stacey who was eighteen. She's a real pain in the ass for both of them.

Jackson loved his family but at times like this, he wondered if they loved him as much.

His mother and father were too religious they practically eat and drink the scripture.

There are just too many rules laid out for them that Jackson felt suffocated.

"Now we get it." His mother went on. "Since this is all a big fat joke that I didn't find funny, can we now get our Bibles for devotion before we all go to bed." His mother replied, not accepting Jackson's answer but Jeremy's.

Jackson wasn't going to let this slide like it doesn't matter.

This is his life.

They have to talk about this.

"This is no joke mother," Jackson yelled, his voice a lot shaky than he's expected. His family went quiet again only this time his father's expressions were irritated and his mother boiling in hot anger.

"I'm gay. I'm a boy who likes boys and it is no joke-" Jackson words barely got out of his mouth before his father descended him, punching and hitting wherever he could. Jackson sat through the whole thing. If this was all they needed to accept him then they'll beat him forever and he wouldn't bother.

When his father went back to his seat, Jackson felt sticky all over as blood flowed peacefully from the side of his mouth and eyebrows, blood came down his broken nose and he could taste them in his mouth.

Jackson couldn't help the weak tears rolling off his eyes.

"It's an abomination before God and man." His father yelled. "A sin that God despised the most." The angry man paced the room like a cage hungry lion. "A sin that will lead you straight to hell!" The man slapped blood into Jackson's mouth once again.

Jackson wasn't sure what to do anymore or what to say.

"I did not give birth to a gay son." His mother whispered more to herself than to them. "You are a Christian Jackson. You have been taught these things and you know how filthy that sin is." The woman stared up at him and Jackson just stared back. "Why did you let this happen to you?" The woman held his face in her hands. "Why did you let the devil use you in such a way?" The woman got up to face the rest of the family. "We need to pray for him and you Jackson need to pray for forgiveness." The woman gathered them around and had Jackson kneel in the middle while they prayed for him.

Once the prayers were over, Jackson got up and went back to his room but not without his mother calling him back and handing him his Bible while telling him to pray and fast. That God will change him and heal him.


There you go, Jackson is now in the picture.

Votes, comments and enjoy.


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