Ch 5

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I let out a groan. There's nothing to do. Haggar is checking my vitals and knee. I can some what control my tail. I'm not allowed to leave the quarters unless I'm with Zarkon. This really blows. He's at a meeting right now. Has been gone for a few hours.
"Is there anything I can do besides sit here?" I ask the witch. She lets out a soft chuckle.
"You really are a kit. Here," she hands me a tablet "you can design something. That's the save button." She points out. "Then theres programs so you can start learning Galran." She said handing me a pen before leaving. I start sketching doing my own thing. I end up drawing a humming bird. I save my drawing before sketching a new. A dragon this time.
An ear turns back picking up heavy footsteps. The door opens and shuts. I turn my head just as the door to the room opens. Zarkon walks in he looks at me. "Where did you get that kit?"
"Haggar." I say before continuing my drawing. He nods and sat down on the couch. The tablet was snatched from my hands.
"Hey!" I yell.
"Just because you are staying here doesn't mean you can do anything you want. You're still technically a rebel and prisoner." He said. I cross my arms.
"So what you want me to sit around all day and do nothing?" I asked as he scrolls through the drawings I've made.
"Theses creatures. Are they on your home planet?" He asked.

"The Bird is on my home planet. And," I get up and crawl over pointing to the dragon "this one is told through stories so they don't exist."
I explain.
I nod. "It's called a dragon. Supposedly they are protective and like shiny things. They can also can sustain high temperatures. And they can blow fire out of their mouths. They have thick scales that cover their body. But they have soft spots on the neck at the jugular."
I explain. He pats my head.
"They seem like very strong warriors." He said before handing it back to me. I reach out to take it but he pulls it away.
"I will take it away if you misbehave." He said I nod and he gives it to me. We sit quietly doing our own thing. Zarkon breaks the silence
"Have you thought about your hips?" He asked.
"Not really. Who would do it if I said yes?" I look up to the large Galra.
"Would you do it?" He asked. Would I? I would be bringing a baby into all of this. It would fix my hips.
"I-" my heart pounds and my stomach cramps. I feel sick. My body starts burning. I lay down curling into a ball.
"Kit, your heat is starting."

"H-hurts." I whine.

"It will hurt. You need to nest." He said scooping me up into his arms and brings me to I'm guessing a guest room. He places me on the bed. "I'll have one of the omegas in the harm bring something up to help you."
I push myself up pulling the thick plush covers around to form a nest like shape and rearrange the pillows to my liking. Zarkon leaves me in the room and came back with a few more blankets. I curl them around the nest giving it a soft warm liner.
"Kons noc." (Fuck it)
Zarkon said before scooping me up. I let out a whine. "I was, comfortable." He takes me to another room before tossing me on the bed and taring the clothes from my body into shreds. He pins my arms above my head nuzzling his face into my neck. A scent filled my nostrils. His free hand tails down my side gently.
He slowly lowers his head down my chest and licks over one of my nipples. My ears fall back as my back arches, I bite my lip to keep any noise from escaping.
"This your first time being touched like this?"
I nod as he removes the shirt that covered my body.
(I'm not good at smut so I'm just gonna skip it)
We've been at this for hours. My stomach now bulging out full of cum as he knots me again.
"For your first time you definitely can ride it out for a long time."

I push my upper body up to my hands. I turn my head over my shoulder.
"Perhaps you can still be of use to me" he said gripping my hips and attempting to pull out. He growls before giving up and hovering his body over mine he grinds into me pushing in deeper. I mewl out "Alpha!" Zarkon growls softly. "You're gonna have so many pups. After you birth. I fuck you full again. But for now, you must rest. He pulls himself out of me making a pop sound as his knot is pulled. He wraps an arm around my torso to keep me steady for I'm now seeing black dots. My tummy shifts a little. I flop to my side and lay there spent used and limp. My tummy is swollen fat it makes me look pregnant.
"Don't worry kit. I'll clean up the mess. You need to sleep."
"M'kay"  I close my eyes to sleep.

We watch as Shiro as Shiro is pulling a Pidge..... and I mean. Stay up for 3 days and 3 nights straight with no stopping to find Keith.
"Shiro you really need to stop and rest." Hunk said. Shiro ignores the comment and continues.
"Shiro really you need to go to bed." Pidge attempted
"I need to, find my brother." He grumbles out. Allura grumbles something in altean. "por el amor de mierda, Shiro, muévete a la cama!" (for fuck sakes Shiro, get the fuck to bed) I grab him by the ear and pull him away from the screen and down the hall, "OW, Lance!" He swats at my hand but I keep pulling. I open the door to his room letting go before pushing him inside. "You're grounded! Now go to sleep!" I yell.
"Lance I'm older than you!"
"No you were what born on a leap year so your what six?" I cross my arms. Shiro opens his mouth to speak but instead lets out a long yawn. "Fine. just this once though." Shiro said plopping down on his bed and collapsing into the pillow. I smile shutting the door. We'll find him.

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