Chapter 2. Just Lunch

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"Hey ya know what ti-" I get interrupted by a loud horrendous screech and I flinch and covering ears twitching till it stops. God I hate that about myself its like every fucking high pitched screech is a dog whistle.

Davids voice finally comes through and I can fucking hear, HEAR, his smile on his face.

"Everyone head to the mess hall for luuuunch!~" he practically sings and then another screech is made, I of course make another weird flinch and twitch. such pain.

"Hey youuuu okay?" Max is silently watching my what seems to be spazz attack and though his face doesn't show it his eyes show what seem to be concern and all I do is smile and nod sitting back up and cracking my back to slump back over. "siiiiiighhhhhh"

As we were walking to lunch I pulled out a sewing needle and fiddled with it in my hands for a little before-

"umm... not to be rude or anything but why do you have a sewing needle with you? do you like, sew stuff or something? Is that what you got signed up for?" He stared at the needle in my hand as I lightly poked my index finger.

"No, umm. I don't.. I actually chew on this needle because tooth picks break too easily and cigs are expensive soooo..." I casually stuck it in my mouth and Max just looked at me like he was contemplating on what to say, do, and or what emotion to show so he just turned his head to face forward.


Once we were inside the mess hall I didn't really want food but I can't starve myself here there's to many people.

"The fuck is this shit? it looks like legit shit and barf!" I poke at the blob on my plate with a spoon and decide I'd rather starve.

"No one really knows what it is. Not even I have figured it out." I turned to the tallest kid at the table. Guessing he's the nerd of the three.

"So. you two are Nikki and Neil? hmm. You two are exactly what I thought you'd be. Super nerd 2.0 and a dog trapped in a kids body." I laughed taking the needle out of my mouth every so often.

"I-is that even safe to chew?  Cant you pierce a hole in your mouth?!" Neil looked at me with maybe shock? concern? Don't know don't care.

"THAT'S SO COOL! DO YOU THINK I COULD CHEW ON NEEDLES TOO!?" Nikki squealed. "umm... lets say maybe and leave it at that." Max sighed " Don't encourage her please." He put his fingers to his temples and massaged in annoyance. 

"Hah. looks like you're trying to use the force on someone Maxi-. MAX." I cough loudly and poke my needle at my fingers. my face feels hotter and I don't like it. What am I saying? What the hell is this weird feeling in my chest. It feels like my ribs are closing on my heart piercing holes into it. 

Nikki started to squeal and covered her mouth eyes filled with excitement as Neil asked "Is there something going on? Between you two? " He pointed to us with one finger as Max looked at him flustered and angered " NO GOD NO. Fuck no. damn. We just met and shes just another little shit running around." 

"Ya no were not in a relation ship geez..." Not sure if he really doesn't like me but whatever I just met him. I don't even know if I like him anyways.

* I'll be honest. only 11 views its #379 in CAMPCAMP and i know it doesn't sound so cool and great but I'm just excited its somewhere! and people are reading this! i hope you all stay with me through the book till the end and thanks for reading!* 

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