Chapter Twelve: The Shadow

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I turned the music up in my headphones and tried to concentrate on my breathing and not the fact that Malachi was running next to me. I planned on going on my annual run alone, but he insisted he tag along for my "safety". Even a blind person can see that's not the case. If he's planning to continue to gawk at me I need him to be subtler. Then again, the way I look in my work out clothes are a sight to see.

All the mornings I've done this, if somebody wanted me dead, they would've done it already. My mind starting wondering who it could possibly be. I've done my fair share of bull shit to not exactly have a way to narrow suspects down. I let my men do the dirty work but I'm sure my name got tossed around to these victims' families. Who knows the stories that were told.

Maybe somebody is just messing with me. Maybe they're just picking me at random like some criminal mind shit. Who am I kidding? All the families I've destroyed, the whole city probably trying to kill me. The thought made me weak to the knees and I just wanted to curl in a bowl and hide for the rest of my life.

Malachi tapped me on my shoulder and I took an ear bud out.

"You're starting to lag in pace. What are you thinking about?"

I put the ear bud back in and picked up my pace to where I was in front of him. He in return sped up matching me. I smirked and started a light run, and just like I knew he would, he matched my pace again. I saw his smile in the corner of my eye and took off sprinting. Never looking back to see how far he was from me but I'm pretty sure he was on my heels. I turned the corner and sped off right to the front of my house. He wasn't too far behind me. He stopped by my side and bent to catch his breath. His amusement couldn't be hidden.

"You run really quick." He said to me, trying not to be obvious about him staring at my bulging chest moving up and down.

"I've been doing this a while. You're not too slow yourself."

"You're fit, to be so small."

"I've had nothing but time obviously."

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped. It took me a while to realize gunshots started to ring through the air. Before I could react, he had me on the grass with his body covering mine. He pulled a gun from under his shorts and shot back. The black van screeched away down the street.

Both our breaths were labored. He finally dropped his arm from aiming at the van that is no longer in sight and looked at me. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. He looked down at my lips and started leaning in but I squirmed under him and cleared my throat. I knew were this was heading and I didn't need that broadcasted on my front lawn.

"I think you can let me up now."

"Oh, sorry."

He quickly jumped up then pulled me up alongside him. He dusted off his clothes and I did the same. Two seconds sooner and I would've let him kiss me. And I don't know how I would've felt after that. It's been so long since someone touched me. I buy so many batteries for my vibrators I'm pretty sure the cashier at the store knows what I'm up to. It's pathetic and it's embarrassing. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

"I guess I should unlock the door." I finally said to break the silence.

I turned towards my front door, my heart still racing. I usually have everything under control. But with him on me, I would've had no will to be in control. It's like he has this vibe to him that makes me want to be submissive. Had he not been there, I probably would have been dead. Too much happened at one time.

We both walked in and I went straight towards my room. I closed the door behind me and slid down to sit on the floor. I don't know why it didn't hit me before, but I honestly am completely terrified for my life. Somebody is REALLY trying to kill me. And to make matters worse they're toying with me. Time after time they're attempting to take away my life. I'm assuming the person behind this knows what they're doing. They know the steps they have to take to end me forever. They're dragging this out and it's eating at me.

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