October 29th

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8:15 p.m.

"You look really nice tonight, Yoongi,"

The elder blushes.

"Thanks baby," Yoongi mumbled shyly, forking some of his spaghetti into his mouth. The younger chuckles, eyes crinkling in the corners.

The two were seated at the never used dining table in their apartment, lights dimmed, and candles lit. It was their four month anniversary of being together, officially, and they were celebrating.

"This is nice...remind me again why we don't eat at home more often?" Jimin said, looking at his boyfriend.

"Because neither of us can cook." Yoongi pointed out with a small smirk.

"Thank god Jin can. If we don't live within five minutes of Jin later in life, I will be upset." Jimin stated, and Yoongi lowered his fork a bit.

"Planning our future already Park?" He asked, eyebrow arched. Yoongi was only playing with him, but he did want to know Jimin's honest answer. The younger faltered, scratching the back of head.

"I uh– well, we, um..." Jimin covered his face his hand. "Yes?" He finally choked out, cringing at himself. "Sometimes...I guess."

"Tell me." Yoongi said, grabbing his wine glass and taking a sip. Jimin swallowed.

"W-Well, I liked the idea of moving into the city a bit, but not a busy district. And a house, I want a house, not an apartment. There has to be a backyard for Holly to run around in because he deserves the space." The younger's gaze went to the small dog curled up in the living room on his bed. "I'll have Jin Hyung teach me to cook so that I can cook for us and we won't always have to rely on takeout or Jin. You'll go to work and I'll...well I don't know what I'll do, maybe I'll be a famous author by then," he laughs, and Yoongi smiles warmly at him.

"You've put some thought into this, haven't you?" Jimin nodded.

"We can have date nights, and movie nights – but no horror films – because I don't like seeing you so upset. If I successfully learn to cook then I can teach you to cook and we can make it a thing we do together. We can have lazy morning and wild nights, and quiet afternoons where you paint and I read. We can take Holly on walks and built blanket forts in the living room. You can cuddle me during thunderstorms and tell me everything is going to be alright."

Yoongi was so focused on Jimin's words to notice him pull a small box out of his pocket and place it on the table.

"We can dress Holly up in cute dog costumes, and we can host dinner parties for our friends. Get togethers at Christmas and Thanksgiving sound nice don't they?"

"They do." Yoongi agreed. Jimin smiled softly in his direction. It was then that Yoongi noticed the box that Jimin had. The younger placed it in front of him.

"Which is why I got you this." Jimin replied, quietly.

Yoongi slowly reached out, pulling the tiny black box closer to him. He gripped the lid with his fingers and pulled it off. His eyes widened, and his heart nearly stopped. His jaw hung open as his gaze flickered up to his boyfriend.

Inside the box was a ring.

Fuck my update schedule, I'm impatient

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