November 18th

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12:01 p.m.

Jimin hated exam month. (Technically, it wasn't until December, but since November was the month that professors started handing out final projects and exam preps, he counted November as exam month too)

He flipped through the package, internally crying at all the work that needed to be done for his creative writing course. Two essays – one for each novel study –, a short story and prep for an upcoming quiz on sentence and paragraph structure. Not only that, he had another thick package in his bag for his journalism course. He needed to write several news articles about important world events. Jimin was dreading the sleepless nights and long hours he would have to dedicate in the library to finish these on time.

"Two essays, a short story and a quiz," Lay grumbled from beside him, skimming through his own package. "-all of this is due, like, three days before exams. When are we supposed to study? How are we supposed to study? There's no time!"

"Fuck university," Jimin muttered, leaning back against his seat. "I can't wait to fucking graduate."

"This is ridiculous. If I fail, I'm suing,"

"I'll join you. I won't get to spend any time with Yoongi." Jimin whined.

"This isn't fair. I have a needy boyfriend! He demands my attention.

Jimin and Lay both sighed simultaneously. It was going to be a long, and stressful next few weeks.

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