December 9th

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11:37 p.m.

", come to bed," Yoongi yawned from his spot in the hallway. Jimin glanced up from his spot on the couch, his glasses – which he recently found and decided to wear – slid down the bridge of his nose. Yoongi gulped. He'd never seen Jimin in glasses before. He looked so adorable sitting on the couch in that pastel pink sweater of his and his hair all messed up.

"What time is it?" Jimin rasped.

"It's almost midnight. You've been at that essay all day,"


"Come here," Yoongi said.

Jimin stood, making his way across the living room and into his boyfriend's open arms. "You're going to pass," Yoongi whispered in his ear. He ruffled his hair. "But you need to sleep too, and if you don't sleep, you'll make yourself sick."

Jimin nodded, already feeling tired as he nuzzled closer to him. "I know. I just want to do good."

"And you will. Now come on, it's bed time."

"Carry me?" Jimin mumbled, holding his arms up. Yoongi snorted, hands hooking under Jimin's legs, hoisting him up.

"Such a baby," Yoongi muttered quietly, walking them to the bedroom.

"Yours?" He whispered tiredly.

"All mine."

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