Future, or Past? Which has more?

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Lucien's POV

I jerk awake gasping for breathe immediately running my hands over my chest looking for the cuts and where I'd been stabbed through with the dagger.

Patting my chest I mutter "Huh? Nothings there. Was it all a dream?"

I get up looking around eyeballing the unfamiliar surrounding area. I start to walk down the path and realize I'm in an alleyway paved with cobblestone. I reach the opening and stop dead in my tracks taking in the buildings. The only thing I can say is "What the hell is going on?"

Taking another step forward I'm rammed from the side getting knocked down hearing curses from a British accent "Bloody hell they're gonna catch us! Shit shit we have to go!"

I get up and look at who ran into me seeing a thin frail looking middle aged man and a young girl around my age. They get up and start running away but I jolt forward and grasp the girls wrist. "Hey what the hell is happening? Why are you running?"

She tries to rip her arm from my grasp but fails "Let go of me!"

I growl under my breath and release her. They take off and I smile thinking to myself 'like I'm just gonna let you go so easily' and I take off after them moving my legs faster and faster soon catching up to them I sweep the girl off her feet and toss her over my shoulder yelling to the man "Where are you running to? I'll follow with her, she'll just slow you down."

The man seems skeptical about trusting me but seems to realize he has no choice and nods curtly speeding up even more forcing me to pump my legs even faster. I feel a heat spread throughout my body making my blood boil, an unknown strength seeps into my muscles. My skin starts rippling and stretching, I feel myself grow in size, my weight increases astronomically, each step I take cracking the ground below me.

I grin madly and catch up to the man in seconds and say "direct me."

Picking him up I hold him at my side, his arms and legs hanging down. I run faster and faster, taking turns whenever he says to. Before long we reach a huge hotel with the words "The Monarch" on it. "Go in there. That's where we're heading."

Unable to help myself I put on a burst of speed and jump sailing through the air going directly through an open window on the second story. Kneeling I set the man and girl on the ground before standing and stretching. The girl stumbles as she stands peering put the window. "How the hell did you do that? And what the bloody hell happened to your body?!"

I look down and notice I've grown. A lot. My body had grown two feet in size and my muscles had gotten quite a bit bigger and were three times as hard as they had been before, making me guess that they'd gotten denser and stronger. I couldn't help but grin to myself. "Now this is cool."

I get jerked by the girl to face her "You still haven't answered my questions."

"I can't. I don't know the answers to them."

"WHHHAAAATTTTT????!!!!! How can you not know the answer to something you did?!"

Gritting my teeth I growled out "Quite easily. But I'm not even going to bother explaining it to you. Now it's my turn to ask questions."

The man nods at me so I start asking. "Where am I? Who are you and what are your names? Why were you being chased by those men?"

The man chuckled and then started laughing uncontrollably. Before long he was lying on the floor gasping for breath practically dying of laughter. Once he stopped he struggled to his feet gasping out "Sorry for that, your questions were not what I expected to be asked. To answer them, you are in New York, my name is Jonathan and this pleasent young lady is my daughter Emerald. As to why we are being chased, well, thats a little harder to explain."

The girl, Emerald, looks at me uneasily. "This isn't New York, I've been there, it doesnt look like this. And you say its hard to explain, well try me, I just watched my family get butchered, so why dont you give it a shot."

They both stare at me in shock and a throat races through my head, "wait, last question. What year is it."

Without missing a beat Emerald states "Its 1912."

I grimace and then start laughing, and soon I'm laughing like a maniac. I catch my breath and chuckle a little "1912 huh? Have you guys gone through world war 1 yet?"

Both of them stare at me in confusion, "What?"

My grin gets bigger and starts to hurt my face "Guess not then. This'll be interesting to say the least."

After realizing something was off emerald glares at me fiercely and takes a few steps back "Just who are you?"

"Me? Oh nobody important. My names Lucien-"

I'm cut off by a roaring voice "Do you not even remember your own NAME?!!!"

We all turn and stare at the man in the door. But I use the word man loosely because this "man" is grotesquely disfigured, hunched over with fleshy nubs protruding from his back, scarred flesh marking his face, his arm bent at an off angle and the other missing entirely.

Before I can process anything I blurt the first words that come to my mind "Man you got fucked up."

He smiled at me and bowed "Thank you for the compliment my lord."

"Uh, sure, no problem I guess stubby." I stare at him strangely and a thought pops in my head "Wait a minute, are you another one of those demonica I keep running into, and apparently enslaving?"

He looks shocked at what I said "You know what I am? And you enslaved one of my kind?"

Now its my turn to look shocked "Wait your race is actually called demonica? And no I enslaved a lifeblood werewolf."

He impatiently answers "yes yes my race is demonica and a werewolf huh........pureblooded werewolf.............wait.......WHAT?! You enslaved a PUREBLOODED werewolf?"

More next time.

Short chapter ik.

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